Search results

  1. BarryBwana

    Grow tent search

    Tent can effect yield in the capacity of it allows you to control the environment including (and importantly) light filtration. I mean ensuring light outside the tent doesn't come in during lights out. That aside, assuming your choosing between brands that all have tents capable of this...
  2. BarryBwana

    The Day of Days

    So you're from North Korea or Iran? :smile:
  3. BarryBwana

    Friendly Political Question

    I'll likely find this answer more acceptable than most. I'm not well versed in the bible but I've heard Jesus wasn't overly fond of the pompous religious type.
  4. BarryBwana

    Friendly Political Question

    So who are the real Christians? The ones who burned witches at the stake and still want homos to get to I hell? Or is it the ones who told a continent riddled with aides they'd go to hell if they used condoms while molesting children on a prolific level and systematically helped protect he...
  5. BarryBwana

    what's everybody's go to drink for dry mouth?

    Coffee, beer, or bourbon I always have a water regardless of what else I'm drinking...
  6. BarryBwana

    And the decline begins.

    I want to know what's going to happen to all the LPs who screwed over their medical patients by running out of products they need in order to cater the the recreational market. Funny, thousands of hours spent on "public safety" and yet not a second of it was spent on ensuring the safety of...
  7. BarryBwana

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    People who approach business with an uncompromising passion of delivering a top product are the type of people I like to support. Worry about the profits and the product suffers, worry about the product and profit follows. Excited to see the website when it comes out.
  8. BarryBwana

    is this considered a failingm fimming

    Did the same. Fixed it by letting it grow out a bit then topped it. No regrets!
  9. BarryBwana

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    I'm struggling so hard to find those seeds in stock! My fav strain by them but I've not tried many...
  10. BarryBwana

    News Police In Canada Have Issued A $2,542 Ticket After A 13 Year Old Admitted He Smoked Marijuana

    They care far more about protecting the LPs financial interest than they do about keeping it out of your children's reach. Want to know what happens to a liquor store in Canada when they sell to a minor?
  11. BarryBwana

    What Will The Donald J Trump Presidential Library Look Like?

    It'll be a beautiful library, a great library! It'll be the first presidential library with a Diet Coke fountain and more picture books than wordy books.... and wait till you see to covfefe section!!! It'll be a beautiful library, a great library! It'll be the best library! Better than all...
  12. BarryBwana

    Official MAGABomber Dissent Therad!!!

    Buck, we've already heard the story of how you met your "wife". No one wants to hear it again.
  13. BarryBwana

    Temp and humidity datalogger

    I have a La Cross sensor system that links to my phone via wifi. I think it only keeps 24 hours or so of data but seems to have what you're looking for. Can add multiple sensors for multiple readings in same or different rooms/tents. Picks below are what the app look like on the phone.
  14. BarryBwana

    Official MAGABomber Dissent Therad!!!

    Just as likely to be a false flag as when powder envelops were sent to Republicans not long ago. Plenty enough psychos who will feel they need to do something drastic to stop the evil other side from destroying everything they value... which is the view of both sides, and ironically enough they...
  15. BarryBwana

    Good Morning pissed off Canadians

    Start @ 0:30
  16. BarryBwana

    How do these Social based countries keep doing it?

    not to be a dick but your post has multiple false claims.... do not get me wrong, I am a dick, that's just not my intention posting....
  17. BarryBwana

    Any Garlic Growers?

    I use a bulb of garlic a day, roughly speaking. Garlic and something spicy are in almost every dish.... but I've never ever tried growing cause it's so cheap and accessible. But you, my friend, have inspired me to change my foolish ways and start popping some bulbs in the ground....
  18. BarryBwana

    Trump says NO Gays in his country

    Does everyone posting really think transgender = gay? Because they are quite different things. Not that either should be discriminated against based on their (non)gender or sexuality.
  19. BarryBwana

    2 Vancouver Island pot shops raided by RCMP on legalization day

    I'm not trying to educate you or provide a theory. I was simply pointing out facts stated in the article you posted and talking generally about them. That the government doesn't care if illegal operations sell weed so long as it's "their" weed. Which just so happens to be a huge deviation...
  20. BarryBwana

    2 Vancouver Island pot shops raided by RCMP on legalization day

    Again, all you need to know. The cops go into a technically illegal dispensary and let them operate but only if they only sell govt approved weed.... despite not even having a license for it. Selling non-govt sanctioned pot illegally = bad. Sellin govt sanctioned pot illegally = ok. Funny...