Search results

  1. BarryBwana

    Indoor eye protection

    I got some glasses specifically built for working under LEDs for around $40 and they are awesome. I got some ladies vegging under a blurple and when I want to take a picture I don't even bother turning off the lights but just put the camera lense against the glasses... I'll attach a pic with...
  2. BarryBwana

    Need help deciding on which led strips to use

    I'm planning on ordering the 340 game changer for once they are stocked to use in my 2x4.
  3. BarryBwana

    Manchin is going to vote for Kavanaugh

    Must of been listening to Senator Hirono.
  4. BarryBwana

    Canadian Suppliers

    don't forget to consider duties and taxes (government import fees)....
  5. BarryBwana

    Bc Blondes Samsung 561 and Game Changers

    Think I'm about to pull the trigger on a 340w Game Changer..... got a 600w Vipar spectra in the 2x4 tent, but i want something real for when I switchboard flower in a week or so.
  6. BarryBwana

    Recommendation for 3x4 plug-n-play LED setup

    What did you end up getting?
  7. BarryBwana

    Few questions on my grow so far.

    Ever get that Gamechanger? I'm thinking of getting one for my 2x4 tent (340w) which currently has a 300w viparapectra which is like your light, good for begging and maybe as a mood setting light, but certainly not going to produce good quality flowers. I got the light and tent for $400CAD...
  8. BarryBwana

    when to start/stop your light/darkness windows for flower

    i have two questions about light schedule timing and I apologize if they are talked about elsewhere but I can't find anything. 1) when I go from 18hours light to 12hours light, what's the ideal way (or is there an ideal way) to cutoff the six hours? Should I start the lights 6 hours later...
  9. BarryBwana

    The pros here to help or take the piss!!????

    As Herb and Suds alluded to, is it a case that people aren't willing to help or that people don't want to keep providing answers that are readily available due to the frequency with which they are asked? My experiences have been that more often than not people genuinely want to help other...
  10. BarryBwana

    Ramirez already contacted by FBI

    Ever consider right now America has exactly the leader it deserves? What else could arise to the top of the cesspool and moral abyss that is modern American politics? I think it's safe to assume almost anyone still willing to run for the highest offices has a thirst for power that exceeds...
  11. BarryBwana

    3rd light dep Harvest

    I just want you to know that only reason why i hate you just a tiny bit is purely because of jealousy lol. Great setup and grow!
  12. BarryBwana

    Kavanaugh’s frat had a rape basement

    Not according to Ford. Funny how people, in their rush to attack Kavanaugh, just don't even care at all that a survivor of sexual assault was completely exploited to be used as a political weapon. Let's go over some key facts from the testimony of Dr. Ford herself. I don't know about any of...
  13. BarryBwana

    Canadians will prefer buying well-priced legal pot over black market, study says

    legalization could easily have wiped out the black market.... but they way they've done it shows they clearly don't care about that compared to just getting money and protecting the interest of the LPs. I called this years ago too. There was no way people were investing tens of millions so they...
  14. BarryBwana

    South Africa finalized court ruling

    Is that Afrikaans? It's crazy how many people I run into that speaks Afrikaans.
  15. BarryBwana

    Ventilation in cold shed

    Good luck getting it lit ahaha. There are some temperature you just give up trying to get a smoke in outside. If the lighter even works you'll end up with the bowl or joint frozen to your lips hahaha. If you find yourself in such a situation with no shelter, I hope you brought a large heavy...
  16. BarryBwana

    Ventilation in cold shed

    I often get remarks of being insane for going out in cold snaps with just a suit jacket on or simply a dress shirt. Only go for a few blocks, but it'll wake you up like nothing else. I call it a Canadian Coffee.
  17. BarryBwana

    Nikki haley’s $52,000 curtains

    That's not even the monthly rent. They aren't her blinds. They are for the residence of the American ambassador to the UN. Who fills that role could change very quickly.....
  18. BarryBwana

    Nikki haley’s $52,000 curtains

    You should try reading Uncle Buck. Once you get past the headaches you'll find it an invaluable skill set. For example you could of read the article I linked which was the NY Times apologizing for using headlines that were misleading people into thinking Nikki Hailey ordered those drapes when...
  19. BarryBwana

    Show me your worm bins and compost

    10/10 thread...... just posting so I can get new posts in the alert. Great tips, thanks for the info all who've contributed!!!
  20. BarryBwana

    Nikki haley’s $52,000 curtains

    While ultimate thanks obviously need to go to the American tax payers who funded the order, Nikki shouldn't forget to thank the staffers in the Obama Administration who approved and placed the order for $52,000 drapes.