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  1. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    Oops your right Brettman. I'll edit my numbers now. Edited to reflect the numbers right. I just woke up thanks for the correction
  2. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    Gotya bro. I knew all that from the breeders page I bought them. 6 weeks is 42 days so I'm sure I'm losing some potential couchlock. But a couple of reasons made me short change them 10 days or so 1. I don't like my smoke to strong and the two biggest plants were revegged so they matured quick...
  3. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    Amen to that!!!! I've tried letting them go for 8 weeks or so. But half the time I get mold. Weather dependant. I've just planted up a few sativa 7 week strains. To try let them rippen further. From the 12 or so strains I've found the three that finish in that time (to when I pick) is galaxy...
  4. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    I just looked back at a post I put up. Incase my time is wrong (6weeks) but it seems to line up to. I'm from Australia. And don't get me wrong I know I could let them rippen a bit more. But over here I was getting very low grade smoke. These new strains from overseas are crazy fast. By the time...
  5. Peyote alexia

    Seedsman Review

    I have already commented on my thoughts. Being that seedsman are a great site. Not without there flaws being that what they sell tows a fine line on legalitys But just a fresh update. 4 strains that got delivered in two weeks. 100% success rate. Strains were Red dragon. Shaman. South plant. And...
  6. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    I should have elaborated more. I have a 2*2ft I veg them for 6 weeks. These 5 in the picture have just been moved into the 1*1m from there. As you could imagine they were filling that up big time. I've just planted 4 seeds. And I will take a cpl clones tonight to restock the 2*2ft. on...
  7. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    Hey guys. I'm just Just curious. Would you go 12/12 from here or a few weeks of training first for this big yield. Just transplanted these guys. There in 60/40 perlite/coco. And I gave them a dose of bacteria powder and seawead/aminos to help. They get fed 1100ppm synthetics with some organic...
  8. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Looking good man. I just harvested what looks like 10ounces of my own home grown. It's a good feeling
  9. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    This whole post is a troll Uncontroversial my arse. I don't disagree with most but one part lmao
  10. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    1.Various chromosomal arrangements as you put it are the medical exceptions I spoke of..... I wouldn't wanna talk that with you. I'm old skool with a bit of newskool mixed. I believe theres girly guys. And tomcat girls. And I also believe they can chose to do what they want. Even my own...
  11. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    Lol dunno what your on about with my last ten usernames. Guess your insinuating I'm a troll. Lol well if you think someone that will come to a post like this and disagree with something you stated is a troll. It just shows your stupidity. A serious lack of brainpower to notice how the world...
  12. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    You guys can't be serious lol. Put a post up with the title it has. Then your suprised that someone doesn't agree with one part you state. Then instead of staying any facts to back your statement you ridicule. This is what wrong with that sheep mentality I spoke of. Gone are mature...
  13. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    Teach me then oh wise one
  14. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    When your born there's two boxes. Male or female. There are physical medical exceptions to the rule. Conveying to your children they may chose is what I don't agree on . Simply put I wouldn't do it. People can do as they please :p
  15. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    There are exceptions to most rules. Nature's a fickled beast. Dunno why your all getting so angry when I'm stating the obvious. Hahahha armchair warriors. Btw I agree with most the shit you state. But not everyone will agree with the same shit. Seems you guys haven't left high school yet to...
  16. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    The fact that you have to resort to calling me stupid says it all :p
  17. Peyote alexia

    Bulk smash auto 18 ltr pot day 50

    A pound.. whoA!!! My guess is half P But Greta work for a auto. And is this under 2x300w lights? Is that there actual draw? If so I say 11ounces :p
  18. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    And Australia?
  19. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Here's my current grow. No where near as dialled as yours is. Mine are in there own 5gal bucket each. With a air pump each. I don't check pH until topping up. And I don't change the res at all. I also don't use my TDs meter except after topping up to see how it has fed in comparison to it's...
  20. Peyote alexia

    Make magats cry

    There's only TWO PHYSICAL GENDERS You asked for it :p There's exceptions to the rule. But that's not the rule