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  1. Peyote alexia

    Compating seedling damping off.

    Hey guys I seem to have a issue with seedlings damping off. Since lowering my humidity to 50% it has helped alot. But I still get it in less then half of my seedlings. It seemed to help dosing them with myco/bacillus bacteria. But then the ones that would show signs of leaning over/darkening...
  2. Peyote alexia

    460w combo leds with 20l dtw

    Good spotting!!!! It's very dry here ATM. I don't run any sort of climate control. It runs from 16° up to 34° winter to summer. It will run ATM (winter) 16°c at night. And warm up to 26°c at middle of the lights on period. 10° swing. Which they say is to much. So I would get better growth if I...
  3. Peyote alexia

    460w combo leds with 20l dtw

    Hey guys thought I'd throw up a grow journal. It's my fifth grow and my first dtw so go easy. I grew dwc the first few times. What a learning curve. Anyway they're under a viparspectra par600 (280w draw) and 4xciti cobs at 180w draw between them. So 460w draw all up. Tents 1*1*1.8m I've...
  4. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Holy moly!! Smokin'!!! You may find this will be a bit more then is needed in terms of vegged size. But this will teach you. Worst case you clip a few branches and in turn just wasted a week of veg. So you can use this to gauge when to flip next time for that strain and grow method. I just...
  5. Peyote alexia

    Transplant shock, overwatered, underfed, or all of the above?

    Here's another before and after. Since it seemed to have good effect. And the worst plant wasn't getting better I decided to make another mix. The back right being the plant that made me make another mix. Check out the difference exactly 24h later. Switching to flower today :) Lastnights photo...
  6. Peyote alexia

    Transplant shock, overwatered, underfed, or all of the above?

    So here's a 24 hour before and after shot. The two at the front were recovering well. So I didn't touch them. I watered the three products into the back left plant which was half ok. And the middle plant which was wilting bad. I left the back right as a control . As you can see it had a awesome...
  7. Peyote alexia

    Transplant shock, overwatered, underfed, or all of the above?

    Thanks @DustyDuke Nah I meant a plus rep button. I remember seeing it back in the day. Probably on another forum. I'm trying a little experiment with 3 products that when combined I've seen awesome results from. Only problem being there's little info on how to use it properly Products are...
  8. Peyote alexia

    Transplant shock, overwatered, underfed, or all of the above?

    Thanks mate :) Yer that seems to be the go. I've vegged them this way then swapped to dwc for flower. But never flowered this way. I use a bacteria mix and water that in every few weeks or I find myself over watering and in that situation you speak off. The good bacteria (like great white) is...
  9. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Do it Ricky bro I will follow!! I've been curious about your user name. U didn't use a postcode did you :P if so your relatively close to me
  10. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    I'll look into it soon. But peyote critical from memory is a X of critical something possibly Kush. And peyote purple. I've had experience with a few peyote strains they are awesome. Your strain is killer so it makes sense. PS these colours are half arsed in comparison to when I give them the...
  11. Peyote alexia

    Transplant shock, overwatered, underfed, or all of the above?

    Awesome thanks guys. Its hard to find good reading. I'll definitely look into that link and have a good read of it. Thanks dusty Duke. I've actually tried to find a plus rep+ button to hit for you. But I don't think there is one. You have been nothing but helpfull and your comments are always...
  12. Peyote alexia

    Transplant shock, overwatered, underfed, or all of the above?

    I feel this is definitely the area for me to post this :P This is my first all hempy/pot and saucepan run. They were all in 6L pots and a few days ago I transplanted them to 20L pots. The process was rinse perlite, soak Coco, mix 70/30 or so Then I transplanted them and ran a good few litres of...
  13. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    Thanks man that's a great point!! I have to be pretty tedious with my pest management plan. All organic ofcourse. But I get nailed by gnats. Thrips. Mites. Caterpillars and a few others but there the main ones. Before I had a plan of attack they nailed me hard once they realised where the tent...
  14. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    Thanks curious2g I have ran a few to 7 weeks and they were knockout. But out of 2 grows I did that (from 4 total) about 40% of it got mold. But as I said I have ramped up the air circulation. It's in a dank wet basement and I was getting air from inside the basement. But I've now hooked it up to...
  15. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    I would believe you there!! My first few grows I was slack with air circulation. I've ramped it up and it's spot on now. With fresh air from outside and a massive oscillating fan. I'm probably to scared to let them go. But your right. I do have good airflow now and should be fine to. Thanks for...
  16. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Glad you like it Bobby :) I'm getting shit on my own posts about it. Coz I picked it to early hahaha so that means alot
  17. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    :P it's the top cut off one to keep all the buds roughly the same size. You can clearly see the size of them in the first post attachments if you look :p And guys why all the grief for picking it early. I'm happy with it? Are you defending the plants wellbeing? I welcome any helpfull advice...
  18. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Thanks man. Yer they always do the job. Ur going great btw!!! I haven't even needed to comment to help. I feel. Unneeded. But that's a good thing!!! Lol I had to cut them down early due to a few reasons. Would have been good to go another two weeks. But here's the result. And alot better then...
  19. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    For sure. Once I get some funds for a better setup with a dehumidifier I will let them rippen fully. This is my favourite pheno from peyote critical. Reminds me of old fizzy life saver lollies
  20. Peyote alexia

    Would you flip to 12/12 yet? Picture inc

    Here's a piccy of the product (not quite dry yet) I can see how it would fill out a bit better with longer. But my past experiences haven't been good with these dense strains and mould. Can't tell me that's not smokable. I picked it at 30% humidity. 3 days ago. Now we are at 80% humidity. So...