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  1. Peyote alexia

    Question about establishing bacterial and fungal life in soil.

    No idea yet lol new spot. First time outdoors. But I did put one plant there and it's going crazy. Start of season soon. But to be fair. The soil was laced with myco already
  2. Peyote alexia

    Question about establishing bacterial and fungal life in soil.

    I just did this in a guerilla location. Low strength fish pellets. Horse manure. And a dry bacteria powder all tilled
  3. Peyote alexia

    Anyone run 6/2 on/off lights during veg?

    The man is doing it. Putting the test to practical applications. Every comment here is just heresay. And all of your responses are just ankle biting the max yield article. Op I'm in. I won't try it. I mean you are :P I don't have the room. But I'm curious to your findings and love your comment...
  4. Peyote alexia

    Who remembers Aussie mango sativa

    Hey guys I'll always recall some dank bush weed we used to get maybe 15yrs ago in Australia. It was a full blown sativa. With just a perfect mango smell. Finding the pheno/strain that carried the taste was hard. Anyway everynow and then I'll pop a bagseed. Of old stored weed. To see what old...
  5. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Thanks for the correction :) I've been reading up on it alot lately. And most people defoliate a little all way through. But do most of it a few weeks before flower and a few weeks after. Anytime before or after that 4-6wk window isn't preferred. That will be how I do it next run. Although...
  6. Peyote alexia

    Few harvest time questions + pics

    Awesome thanks guys I'll give her another two weeks. I'm in the southern hemisphere. And find these chunky indicas mould easy near the end. I was a little worried. Rh is 50-70 so a little high. But I have a 16" full size fan oscillating on medium in 1m*1m little overkill :P so it may be right...
  7. Peyote alexia

    Few harvest time questions + pics

    Here is a Barneys farm strain. Peyote critical I'm growing out. Im thinking it's coming close to Harvest. With a few amber thrichomes. But seems to still be fattening up. Should I give it a week? Also it's purple colouring is only just starting to show. Granted it was colder near the end of the...
  8. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    There's no set time. But there's is a limit to how much you can do at one time before stressing the plant and losing valuable stretch (first few weeks of flower). I would give it a day atleast to settle to the new lighting time. Then defoliate anything blocking lowers like those big fellas on...
  9. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Killa idea with the hose intake! I have the same pumps. Unfortunately my ac is on the other side of the house. And it's winter here now anyway :P Those piston driven pumps are noisy suckers and they run hot. But can't beat the price. I use two 50lph piston (rated, probably a lie) (one for each...
  10. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Man I will help where I can since others are quite I've done about 4 dwc grows. I find once they are in a larger state like this they have developed a relationship with the bacteria you use (hydroguard) and can handle the warmer water so long as there's no major swings. Like dumping cold water...
  11. Peyote alexia

    Hi from aus

    Things are coming along. I had two extra in there and as mentioned ones been taken out. It's dried and in the bowl now :P I took another out tonight. To make room for the big fellas. And sativa which needs atleast a few weeks more. The garden The donor :p
  12. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Wow it's looking great. I only have a few rounds indoors under my belt. So I'll let someone chime in from here. But I wouldnt wait a week bro. That things a beast and it could more then double upways and grow a bit outways also. You will get a feel for the strain after a grow and know how much...
  13. Peyote alexia

    Sick of Root Rot can I convert my RDWC to some other system?

    I was just in the same boat with dwc. Never lost any to my present pathogen. But slowed everything. And made it a chore. I ended up going perlite and Coco 70/30 hempys.with clay balls in the bottom to just above the drain hole. I've only tested them with a 1gal. With good results. So I'll be...
  14. Peyote alexia

    Maybe growing weed isn't for the over thinkers :P gotta remind myself sometimes less is best...

    Maybe growing weed isn't for the over thinkers :P gotta remind myself sometimes less is best. Dumb it down. Kiss.
  15. Peyote alexia

    Outdoor with indoor clones ... Am I in over my head

    They say jelousy is a curse. But I'm sure you understand :p One jelous mofo over here
  16. Peyote alexia

    Outdoor with indoor clones ... Am I in over my head

    That sounds like a awesome idea.. where I have mine is heavily patrolled by the skies come picking season. Or I would do that!!!!
  17. Peyote alexia

    Remote DWC Underground

    Rust spots can be a few things in my short 1year experience :P One thing I've taught meself. Is if it's growing leafs faster then they are going bad. And your nutrient regime is a solid one. Which yours is. They will be fine. You could defoliat 20-50% and tie it down level. Then let them...
  18. Peyote alexia

    Outdoor with indoor clones ... Am I in over my head

    Haha if you were Aussie you wouldn't complain of a fractured toe :P . But times a changing ha. New generations here.. broken toes are fun. Limping all day:p They will be started indoors under a red-blue-white Led on 15-9 with my current strains in the tent also. So I can see which strains will...
  19. Peyote alexia

    Seedsman Review

    I just got mine to aus in less then 2 wks :)
  20. Peyote alexia

    Outdoor with indoor clones ... Am I in over my head

    Awesome thanks man. Bed for me now. But I'll look into it more. Alot of what I have is meant for the northern hem dunno if that matters lol