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  1. O4aUsErNaMe

    who at RIU is hooked on fishing;-)

    snook are great to catch my favorite fish to catch is the tuna on a light line,they give you the fight of your life. it is all about the fight but i like to eat fish so the odd one just gets unlucky and ends up in my pan....
  2. O4aUsErNaMe

    Indica or Sativa?

    I am certainly no expert but i would say both,i am guessing it is a cross between the two,how much is anybody's guess...and i also could be very wrong.:-)
  3. O4aUsErNaMe

    who at RIU is hooked on fishing;-)

    from the looks of that,we have to be just about neighbor's 'I also live in the sw of wa although i am inland a little..those beaches look very familiar....
  4. O4aUsErNaMe

    who at RIU is hooked on fishing;-)

    the biggest sharks i have caught,are two bronze whalers,one was ten foot six inches long 220 kilos.caught with 50 lb test line off the beach. the second was nine foot six inches 180 kilos same line different beach.. they both took well over three hours to land.............:-)
  5. O4aUsErNaMe

    who at RIU is hooked on fishing;-)

    very nice................................:blsmoke:
  6. O4aUsErNaMe

    Normal water Ph levels for outdoor growing?

    it is something i never worry about out doors as you are relying on the rain to do most of the watering and you cant ph that...
  7. O4aUsErNaMe

    who at RIU is hooked on fishing;-)

    I used to build my own but now I find it easier to pay someone to build them for me..:-) lazy I know... plus it gives the old fella in town something to do and gives him a bit of spare cash..
  8. O4aUsErNaMe

    who at RIU is hooked on fishing;-)

    bloody hard to catch those flys love fly fishing,mostly i will catch and release but i do keep some for a good feed..:hug:
  9. O4aUsErNaMe

    Why Freeze your seeds?

    nah only shit bagseed,they were dry and vac packed ,but i think any freezing needs to be done fast not just in a deep freeze.or maybe i just left them in the freezer too long[7 months]:joint:
  10. O4aUsErNaMe

    Why Freeze your seeds?

    no freezing them is no good i froze around 300 of mine and i was lucky to get 1 to germinate. the same seed just stored in a dry area had close to 100 % germ rate,,so no i would not do it unless you have plenty of seed to waste....
  11. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    well i live in a very isolated area of law for miles,it is a sativa. will give more info as i go. hope fully i will get the monster i am looking for
  12. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    thanks hopefully i will not run into any trouble
  13. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    yes it is ok to use salt water fish i do ,no training i may tip it once but that is it..............:joint:
  14. O4aUsErNaMe

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    jeezus no wonder it is no good ,doing that to good pot fucks it let alone to something that was always going to be a mediocre smoke in the first place..:mrgreen: but i am going to rep you for sticking to your guns...................:joint:
  15. O4aUsErNaMe

    HOW do i keep DEER away from my crop

    yep i employ this method to keep the critters away but i also take my dog and where i piss so does he,, never had a critter problem,,,oh apart from some termites once :cry: dosnt work on them
  16. O4aUsErNaMe

    Karri0n's 2008 Outdoor Companion Grow

    I will be watching this one with interest....:-)
  17. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    I am going to try and grow a real monster this year so i have been out preparing the hole.but as you can see(photo 1) i dont have much depth to play with. although i grew the one in my avatar in this very spot last year,i decided to make it deeper. photo 2 is the bucket of fish bodies i am...
  18. O4aUsErNaMe

    who at RIU is hooked on fishing;-)

    lol..........yeh just pullin ya leg man..i have bent the rules a bit in the past.
  19. O4aUsErNaMe

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    so have I.........and i am going to rep you since it seems you are the only one that has answered correctly....... The male plant contains low levels of THC and does not taste very good, but it can produce a high. Growers only cultivate male plants for pollen so...
  20. O4aUsErNaMe

    who at RIU is hooked on fishing;-)

    yes he is