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  1. H

    Organic ph up and down

    That will be for future grows I have so much perlite and gotta work thorough it Guna do a few out doors grows soon and indoor. I can grow 4 plants but I have a few buddy’s that live close by and I can use there yards. Lol. What do u think if I went 50/50 perlite to fox farm soil...
  2. H

    Organic ph up and down

    Is one better then the other or do they do the same thing more less ?
  3. H

    Organic ph up and down

    What ratio of this mix too ffof. And also I have a huge bag of perlite ? Or these stone mix way way better
  4. H

    Organic ph up and down

    Sorry I got confused for a sec. warm water in microwave at end of 24 hour brew ? When do I ph ? At start.
  5. H

    Organic ph up and down

    Is this also good to use like pumice rock ?
  6. H

    Organic ph up and down

    To 6.5 and can I use Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar to do this ? And also do I ph water before everything or at end ?
  7. H

    Organic ph up and down

    When do I heat it like this to that temp ? And if answer is at the start of everything to help promote microbial life. How do you maintain temp. Do I add some warm water every so often ? Every few hours ?
  8. H

    Organic ph up and down

    Also if have some dry leafs from the four plants. But there all mixed. I remember u said same leafs same plants.
  9. H

    Organic ph up and down

    Water in bucket right now is 19.8c 7.9 ph. And 160ppm
  10. H

    Organic ph up and down

    More detail please. Sounds awesome. Mix in soil after oven ?
  11. H

    Organic ph up and down

    I appreciate it I will start it all up in couple hours due to I want to leave water out for full 24 hours to evaporate the chlorine from tap water I red that it will hurt microbial life. But I will definitely keep u palates. Thanks again HL42. So those items u suggest will help ffof...
  12. H

    Organic ph up and down

    I can find them forsure
  13. H

    Organic ph up and down

    So Iam guna make 2.5 gallons cuz I will give most it to the yellow plant but i assume i shud give some to the others aswell. It can only help ? Is that right ? And for that much tea only mix 1 tablespoon of honey In water ? Do I put honey in at the end of the 24 hours or when ?
  14. H

    Organic ph up and down

    I was guna try Gaia green. But what u suggest ? Cuz was guna make that purchase some what soon to prepare for outdoor. But I like what your teaching me so I will listen. Which dry amendments go good with ffof.
  15. H

    Organic ph up and down

    I thought I had to let it all aerate and brew for 24 hours. Your saying only 30 mins ??? And I don’t have any raw honey or molasses only store bought ? Shud I hold out til I get something to feed microbial life. ? Tommorow morning ?
  16. H

    Organic ph up and down

    Hey my friend. How’s it growing. I have my 5 gallon bucket with water in it and it will be about 24 hours to allow chlorine to evaporate and then I will air stone bubble water for an hour first to get more chlorine out. I was Gina go about 2 and 1/2 cups worm casting in cheesecloth...
  17. H

    Compost teas without molasses only worm

    Hey all. I heard that if I make a worm casting tea and aerate it For 24 hours I need to add molasses. I have none but I red I can use corn syrup Brown sugar. Honey. Any one ever use these. Thanks
  18. H

    Fabric pots or plastic pots

    Iam confused Can u explain to me like Iam a huge stoner. I like what u saying
  19. H

    Fabric pots or plastic pots

    I wanna use coco too. But I can’t water Dailey. I wanna water every other day With 7 gallon how often u guna water. Any ideas for me ?
  20. H

    Organic ph up and down

    GOod morning Have my water sitting out to rid chlorine guna buy some worm castings today and if I don’t find cheese cloth I shud never ok with panty hose ? What u think ? And I think u right about compact soil due to Iam doing autos there for went right to final pot So there was no...