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  1. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Alright so I just got back from the beach, and holy shit have they grown. All the transplants survived...and theyre growing great. the roots are brown towards the top, but then they get white for like the bottom half so they seem to be doing fine. I cant reach into the bottom of the res anymore...
  2. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    aight so i got a light proof box, more lights in there (a couple cfl's and i got a fatty 100w flouro tube but i gotta get a thing to put it in first (like a big ass socket) so thatll happen after i get back. oh yea im going to the beach for the weekend so yeah. plants are on a timer. 5 hours of...
  3. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    K hopefully pics soon...sorry loadeddragon. Started flowering today, Gave em some flower power (bmo). I built a box and its light proof, so thats good news, i cant wait to see which ones are females. All the plants are in the aero now except for one, and the newly transplanted ones seem to be...
  4. Cann

    Peace, Love, and Vapor-lock the 2008 Seattle Hempfest*

    Yo sub, did you say you were at the dank gear booth? I was at hempfest this year and i definitely remember stopping by guys had some sick shit. Hempfest is the best weekend of the year :grin:
  5. Cann

    The Garden of Weeden**My favorite Outdoor 2008

    All these outdoor plants are gigantic...holy shit.
  6. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Everythings goin fairly well. I'm really busy (bumbershoot in seattle) so i dont really have time to report all the details. Is anyone out there??? lol - Cann
  7. Cann

    Organic Plant Stimulant - BMO Super Plant Tonic

    Alright sweet...and i got a filter in my res so i think i'll be good. Just put some in like five minutes ago. A little SPT and a little foliar harmony in the res. I'm still in veg so no flower power yet but i should be building my box tomorrow :grin: I'm pumped to see whats about to happen...
  8. Cann

    New Blue Mountain Organics Offerings

    Just got my order today. Thats some fast ass shipping lol. Three days. I ordered one SPT, one 10 oz. Flower Power, and one Foliar Harmony but instead of the one 10 oz. flower power they gave me two 8 oz. ones :grin: Cant get any better than that...
  9. Cann

    Which Do You Prefer?

    blunts are fun cus you can do smoke tricks really well (thick smoke) bongs rip the hardest vapes get you highest :eyesmoke:
  10. Cann

    new from B-HAM WA

    You guys go to hempfest?
  11. Cann

    cops help girl to her murder

    Thats super fucked up... Damn pigs
  12. Cann

    Organic Plant Stimulant - BMO Super Plant Tonic

    So if I were to use only BMO PT and BMO Flower Power in my res (aero) for the entire flowering period, do you think that would be fine? Or should i find other things to Im diggin this organic stuff... by the way Ohso you da man... Cann
  13. Cann

    aeroponic time

    24/7 seems to work least for me it has :eyesmoke:
  14. Cann

    Aeroponic SoG

    Pics or it doesnt exist...I call bullshit
  15. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Alright so there were some HELLA droopy ones in the soil when i woke up this morning and other ones look burnt (but not nute burn cus i'm using organics and i havent added shit this week) and some are yellowing, and one for sure has Mg def and is all crispy, and the ones in aero seem to have...
  16. Cann


    Well, I'm running aero and soil, so my res should be about 6 and soil about 6.8? Or is aero different than hydro for some reason? Also, now that i got this started i might as well ask. What are the perfect conditions for the res? like temp ph and then air temperature/humidity. just...
  17. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Thanks man, and no ive never used mh or hps before (this is my first grow), but i dont have the option of either because my mom wont let me (lol). For flowering i'm building a box and ima put the 48'' flouro fixtures on the sides of the box facing in and hang cfl's from the ceiling. Hopefully...
  18. Cann

    Pretty Much a Gay Thing to Do

    If this works you are a genius. Any flavor bud you want...sweet :mrgreen:
  19. Cann

    Phosphorous source

    rock phosphate is the bomb...
  20. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Alright so i think one of em has Mg def, and some of em are drooping but i am going to take care of it tomorrow. I dont think im going to have room for all of the ones in soil, so im gonna try and transplant these bigger plants into aero. I did one today and it seems fine, but we will see how it...