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  1. Cann

    An idea for you organic folks...

    Thanks the man. If you could elaborate on that system/get pics that would be amazing. anyone else got any advice/questions/comments/anyhting? peace
  2. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    that is definitely a possibility...i mean it is bagseed, so i didnt really have high hopes :)
  3. Cann

    An idea for you organic folks...

    Okay so here is my idea... So my grow room (which is being upgraded right now) will be about 5x3x5-3 (slanted ceiling), and it will be covered in mylar and will have ventilation, temp control, etc. Right now I am using flouros and cfl's but hopefully (if I can get money) I'm gonna get a 600W...
  4. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Alright so its been FOREVER since i updated this, and ive done alot of shit so i'll try and remember everything. Okay, so ive been flowering for about a month and a half, and some of the plants had pretty much stopped growing bud and all their hairs had turned brown so i chopped a few, and...
  5. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    sike i cant find my camera...fuck
  6. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    haha alright well got some more bud so im no longer tempted to eat them...thank god. I was gettin pretty close to just goin in there and rippin off a cola and smokin that shit. But then i just thought about how if i wait longer its gonna get so much bigger :weed: Anyway im about to take some...
  7. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Thanks buddy, Looks like you two are the only people who read my congrats. And yes they are looking good, too good in fact. Im smoking the last of my stash right now and I want to just run into the room real quick and pick a nug of one of those babies lol. Sooooo tempting...
  8. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    yeah i'm a tad bit blazed :bigjoint:
  9. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Alright so I got some pics today right before the lights went out (the lights went out as i was taking the last pic) and theyre looking sexy. White hairs coming out of everywhere, and one of em has pink hairs??? I dont know but it looks amazing lol. They still got some fucked up leaves, but...
  10. Cann

    Let see some pics!!!

    Prolly alot, but man do you really have room for almost 80 plants? Shit...
  11. Cann

    The Garden of Weeden**My favorite Outdoor 2008

    Where is this??? I'm moving...
  12. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    WHITE HAIRS EVERYWHERE. So holy shit, i think i only had two males out of that whole bunch. God damn. Some bad news is that all the plants have some weird looking leaves, like there are only one or two that are perfect. The one in soil is doing really well, and so is the really tall one (you...
  13. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Holy shit, so theyve sexed, and all the other plants seem to be female :leaf::bigjoint::leaf: Here are a bunch of bud shots. They got some fucked up leaves, but i'm not worried. When the lights go on tomorrow im just gonna prune off the fucked up ones. I also need to get some better...
  14. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    how do you do both of these??? I chopped two males today and theyre hanging upside down right now. Help? Thanks
  15. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Alright so a couple of em have nuts...I'm gonna chop em today and try and make hash. Any suggestions on what to do? Thanks
  16. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    thanks for the help...and i'm using organics so im pretty sure its not nute burn...but who knows. any suggestions on when to start using co2? the sooner the better right? or only during flowering...? And anyone know shit bout the purple stems??? happy friday :bigjoint: - Cann
  17. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Oh yeah shit they also have some purple ass long stems...anyone know anything about this???
  18. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Mrniceguy...if you could give me some info on where to get computer fans/how to set them up that would be amazing. Anyway, i got some pics today (fucking finally) and theyre kinda blurry but not really so yeah, thats good. Added some plant tonic, foliar feed, and flower power to the res...
  19. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    shits goin good...preflowers soon maybe??? we'll see. somebody post besides me... Cann
  20. Cann

    Longest you can leave your grow alone

    That shit does everything...