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  1. Cann


    shit...5.8 is really low. Does mary like acid? and is that for soil or aero? (i got both) Thanks
  2. Cann

    small white bugs?

    LADYBUGS. They will eat all of the spider mites...but it might be too late
  3. Cann

    New Blue Mountain Organics Offerings

    BMO is the shit...just from reading all your guys threads about it and looking up all the different ingredients and functions of their stuff i am convinced this is the best way to grow. And its so cheap AND theyre hippies...cant get any better than that now can it? :peace::joint:
  4. Cann

    This plant was done with Organics only

    Thats lookin great. Just ordered me a bottle of BMO Plant Tonic today plus one of theyre flowering products (too high to remember what its called). Seems to have worked for you pretty many cfl's you got?
  5. Cann

    Vaporizers...Anyone Use'em?...

    i just bought one at hempfest (and im smokin out of it right now) and i have to say it was one of the best investments ive ever made. you get blazed off way less weed so it saves you bud. Mine is the vapolution (check it out here), cost me $100 (but i think its $150 online) and it comes with a...
  6. Cann


    What is the perfect pH for your res? And what is a natural ph down? I have ph up but i need to bring mine down... My plants have weird brown spots and i think its because of the ph. Someone help please! Thanks, - Cann
  7. Cann

    All of us smoking......!!?!?!?

    You guys should all come to seattle and hit up hempfest...
  8. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Theyre definitely not mites...and theyre gone anyway so it doesnt matter. One plant has yellow lower leaves...besides that all good. Pics to come sometime... - Cann
  9. Cann

    my plant is getting there.

    holy god...was freddy real or a troll that just kept going...either way it was some of the funniest shit ive read on here EVER...keep this thread goin Cann
  10. Cann

    All of us smoking......!!?!?!?

    im down...
  11. Cann

    Ohh yeaaa

    That sounds great man. You got pics??? Let us know when you figure out sexes..
  12. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    Springtail population is diminishing...I think i fixed the leak. Hopefully. Anyway, there were a couple fruit flies in there today, but they dont seem to be doing anything bad. I'm going out of town for a couple days, but when I get back I think I'm gonna try and get ladybugs to put in there to...
  13. Cann

    A little assistance please.

    that last plant looks crazy...
  14. Cann

    is my plant dying(focused shots)

    Check under the leaves. Might be mites? If not its probably a defiency of some sort. What is the pH of your water?
  15. Cann

    small white bugs?

    That shit was springtails...they dont really do anything bad they just jump around alot. No moisture: no springtails
  16. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    K so i think i found out what the bugs are. I need to fix the leak in my aero res, because apparently theyre attracted to moisture and need it to live and having a constantly wet towel is a great place for that... Springtails Apparently they dont do harm but still...freakin me out...
  17. Cann

    Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros

    K so no one seems to be reading this but whatever...i'll post it anyway. Plants are looking great. The ones in aero had a little algae problem so i covered up the cups with white cardboard ish stuff and it seems to be working. Prolly gonna put some Hydrogen Peroxide (h2o2) in there soon because...
  18. Cann


    So i checked my plants today (see journal in sig for setup etc) and on one of them (the one under the 55 watt and 23 watt cfl's) there are hundreds of little tiny black things that are thin and they are just jumping around in the soil/all over the lights. Some are in some runoff water dripping...
  19. Cann

    Hydrogen Peroxide???

    Hey, I have algae on the tops of all the rockwool cubes in my aero system. I covered the net cups with white plastic, but i have also been thinking about adding hydrogen peroxide. The plants are really young, do you think this is a bad idea? - Cann
  20. Cann


    Thanks for all the advice, and what concentration of h2o2 do you suggest? if you go to my journal and look at the pics you can see how big the res is. Also if anyone else has comments etc. about my grow leave em in the journal. Thanks again - Cann