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  1. H

    Autoflower 15 days old

    And I just have 1 light going for now. I heard keep it 1 light til flower ? What do u think ?
  2. H

    Autoflower 15 days old

    I turned it up right now. Full power 28 inches from canapoy. That’s not to strong for 15 day old ? What shud I look for if there is problems ?
  3. H

    Autoflower 15 days old

    Sorry I meant I have 2 tsl2000s in a 4x4 tent
  4. H

    Autoflower 15 days old

    I have a tsl2000 on a 4x4 tent. That shud be good ?
  5. H

    Autoflower 15 days old

    All good advice. Thanks
  6. H

    Autoflower 15 days old

    Saucers are there. They just clear. I have a tsl2000 at 28 inch 50% dim So shud I crank it to 75 % dim. Then next week 100% @ 24 inches
  7. H

    Autoflower 15 days old

    Here is autoflower gorilla glue. First grow Seems a bit leggy(tall). stem getting thicker tho. Any advice
  8. H

    Full watering what stage

    Wud love advice
  9. H

    Full watering what stage

    Do u recommend any techniques for a new grower. I was thinking to fim and LST But was guna bend main stem right down. I have autos 14 day old so Iam waiting impatiently
  10. H

    Full watering what stage

    Any reason why u didn’t FIM or top and when U LST why not bend main stem down ? Just asking to learn ur plant looks like this want mine to look
  11. H

    Full watering what stage

    I meant that moby dick looks nice Damn auto correct. Lol
  12. H

    Full watering what stage

    That moment by sick Looks good That’s an autoflower ? And did u do any training ? And since it’s my first time shud I train. I was thinking of fimming since less stress /heal time and also LST But not sure Any advice .
  13. H

    Full watering what stage

    Thank u I was told to go 2 feeds then 1 water but then in general hydroponics flora series feedchart page says to go 3 feeds then 1 water. But my first grow so I wanna be as safe as possible
  14. H

    Full watering what stage

    Wud that be the same if autoflower or photoperiod ?
  15. H

    Full watering what stage

    Shud I use nutes every other watering when I start to feed Or nutes every time ?
  16. H

    Full watering what stage

    Hey everyone I have 12 day old seedlings in a 5 gallon and a 3 gallon. At what day. An I start watering full until run off. For now Iam using a spray to lightly mist soil till moist for I do not wanna over water. So good so far but I wanna know what day do I start watering until 20 %...
  17. H

    Ph levels @ different stages

    So I shud be watering around edges to makes roots follow moisture. Since they only 12 day old seedlings do I start this now. And do I do till run off comes out bottom or can u give an estimate to how much water to use at this age
  18. H

    Ph levels @ different stages

    Iam on day 12 Seedling in 5 gallon pots for my first time and wanted to keep simple since they are autos. So 6.5 for seedling aswell. And any advice on when I can start watering fully til 20 % run off
  19. H

    Ph levels @ different stages

    Hey everyone Had a question about ph levels I have done my research seems to be some different opinions. Growing in soil so I hear between 6-7 ph. So 6.5 ph is perfect but then I hear at veg to go 6.2 then 6.6 ph in flower due to the type of nutrient intake at different stages Then...
  20. H

    Day and night dIa

    Did your heater just have an on off switch. Mine u set to your ideal temp but then it shuts on and off as it reaching temp so room will maintain temp set Is it cuz yours only shuts off then on ?