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  1. H

    Day and night dIa

    What do u suggest for heat ?
  2. H

    Day and night dIa

    Iam a bit confused with your message maybe auto correct. Or maybe words a newbie like myself don’t understand
  3. H

    Day and night dIa

    Do u mean a thermostat like the inkbird one in the link ? Shud I just plug into analog timer and when lights out so is the power to heater. Blow up sounds like no fun My oil so rad has a temp gauge but not digital
  4. H

    Day and night dIa

  5. H

    Day and night dIa

    Do I hook my heater to this device then have it set to dif times ?
  6. H

    Day and night dIa

    Hey all I was reading up on some studies on the temp difference between light on and light off. Says better for plant to drop in temp when lights off that it helps promote better growth. I have an oil rad heater in tent so temps stay same at all time. Shud I put heater on timer to...
  7. H

    2 look great 2 look sick 3 days old any advice

    I meant to say I took those pics right after watering
  8. H

    2 look great 2 look sick 3 days old any advice

    Thanks boys. I those pucks right after watering. Do they look too wet in those pics. As in ease of on the amount of water And I red to water approx twice a day
  9. H

    Seedling temps and humidity

    Internet =Ac infinity intake
  10. H

    Seedling temps and humidity

    I have a fan in tent blowing over seedlings canopy. But I don’t have Internet air fan on yet. So you suggesting put heater outside tent by the vent at bottom of tent ? Hey now be it says seedling strive there roots out better in 70% humidity
  11. H

    Seedling temps and humidity

    Hey all. I have 2 day old seedlings in tent Autos so in final pots. Humidity at 70 % temps 26C Becuz I have an oil heater and humidifier in tents when lights turn out temps and % will stay same is that ok. Or shud that drop for lights out. Any opinions please
  12. H

    Auto seedlings light schedule

    Hey everyone. I just sprouted autoflower seedlings Under tsl2000 at 50% dim 36 inches. How much light to darkness should I give them. They only 2 days old
  13. H

    Aerate water for soil feeds

    Thanks Larry. Very good points. Do u leave your water out do u know ppl that leave it out if they growing in soil
  14. H

    Aerate water for soil feeds

    I heard getting an aquarium style bubbler for my water and feeds for soil. Leave water out over 24 hours and lose some chlorine but then also lose oxygen in water. Will leaving a bubbler in the whole time help with this ?
  15. H

    Water distiller

    Now I am just talking about humidifier. Distilled water for that ?
  16. H

    Autoflower germ-seedling watering

    Going to put germinated seed into FFOF soil a 5 gallon and 3 gallon pot cuz I don’t want to transplant autos for it’s my first grow I heard to water your whole soil medium completely til run off then leave for 5 hours then put germinated auto seed in Then no need to water for a bit...
  17. H


    And why not water with distilled
  18. H


    So no to the zero water jugs ?