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  1. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    K so I was feeding the heck out of my plants. Every other watering instead of every 2 waterings. They showed some stresses all the way through, but all i did when I suspected a pH or nute tox issue is I flushed, and then fed a general purpose schedule. Must say for 4 weeks in, they are looking a...
  2. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Easier to find regular seeds I guess.
  3. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Excellent! So, counting from the onset of flowers, how many days of bloom does this put your wwxbb?
  4. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Ah ha! Yes 80% makes a lot more sense. I've not tried the concentrate yet. Yes I did see that post. Very informative, but admittedly a bit over my head. I wonder is there any safe way to get a female plant to revert to male?? Don't know for what application, just curious.
  5. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    How does something get to be 800%?
  6. Maat Aatack

    Reveg-->Clone question

    Right, so I got her to re-enter veg, but I'm wondering when I can take clones from her.
  7. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Breeding is definitely of interest to me, but I currently lack the time and space in order to do it AND continue with production. Also being new to growing seriously, I'm not sure which genetics I will consider using in any future breeding project. I like the idea of starting with the basics and...
  8. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Haha! Looks very familiar! I know those colas are impressive! Are these clones or seed? What breeder? What nutes are you using?
  9. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    I should really get a bong .... Hey thanks for not getting all bent out of shape from a difference of opinion... Far too often these strings turn into ego projectors instead of the valuable tools to share info like they can be. My own experience prior to this last grow is limited to long term...
  10. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    I'm not sure I completely understand what you are explaining here. I'm not going to say it's incorrect because everybody's grows are unique to their particular growing environment. However, I don't believe the factors you list are primary causes or solutions to "stretch". I agree a plant...
  11. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    WW x BB round 2. Going with the same nutes at a lower frequency. Also to assist in the problem of super large buds bending stems, I have pinched the tops more, have included soluble Silicone dust into the solution, and continue intensive supercropping to strengthen the stems. This is almost one...
  12. Maat Aatack

    plant sex ID? male for sure?

    Got 5 bucks it's a girl :-)
  13. Maat Aatack

    plant sex ID? male for sure?

    Swelling at the node like in your pictures is more typical of females. Plants do show flowers before the lights get turned back, but only when they are a couple months old and older.
  14. Maat Aatack

    is this nutrient burn?

    Yes exactly.
  15. Maat Aatack

    is this nutrient burn?

    Sorry to assume a few things such as : you have good drainage through your soil, and the solution and water you give your plant are pH'ed properly.
  16. Maat Aatack

    is this nutrient burn?

    And try fiber pots next time :-)
  17. Maat Aatack

    is this nutrient burn?

    Get those pots up off the bottom of that saucer. Use a couple of pieces of pvc set in the dish and the pot on top of that. This way your plant will not reabsorb the salts you leech out when getting runoff.
  18. Maat Aatack

    is this nutrient burn?

    Don't change when you water/feed as far as how many times/week. Just change the number of feeding to feed/water/water/feed/etc. if you pay attention to how much water the plant uses you shouldn't run into overwatering problems. If the soil is dry to the touch about a nuckle or two below the soil...
  19. Maat Aatack

    is this nutrient burn?

    Try one feed 2 waters, and be sure you let about 15% of the watering/feeding to run out and away from the drainage of the container.