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  1. Rizlared

    Bong vs Crappy vaporizer

    My (considerably priced) vape has more than paid for itself over the years. I prefer the high, smoking makes me feel a bit sick, the taste and it's not as bad for me health wise. They may not be for everyone but I'm glad I made the switch. I've been smoking the green stuff for about 25 years...
  2. Rizlared

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Is any UK grower concerned about the snoopers charter and accessing sites like RIU?
  3. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    you have a problem with that logic, please address it
  4. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Had there been a better alternative, the argument of those who defended that alternative could have presented better arguments than just abusing people is my point
  5. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    that isn't true. My opinion is that plenty of racists voted I wish there had been a better candidate than Clinton to oppose him because she clearly was inadequate
  6. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    I even agreed with that point. I may have thrown you in the knobhead basket by mistake. The jury is still out again on that one. Balancing working and ranting, some things get missed :)
  7. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    So, I was thinking, what were your thoughts on the accusations made in the OP about the left misdirecting debates?
  8. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    so she got enough votes to win did she, within your electoral system, eh? You see, I thought she'd lost. Must have missed that one. I heard she not only lost but cried like a bitch about it. I heard that, her supporters, then bitched about the political system in America. ...and I'm now...
  9. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Again, insult through ignorance Care to discuss the OP clip?
  10. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    man, listen to yourself Re read that post. 'I haven't seen it but I am right and he is wrong' Wow
  11. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    ahhh..distracted by work I may have crossed wires I'm refering only to the OP, unambiguously. If you do not, post elsewhere Debate that truth
  12. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Truth you see, is a fact, inarguably. If you publicly support a lying politician, you clearly are unfit to be able to judge what the truth is. You need to re calibrate. Your post is very true, your perception is not
  13. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    everything you just said is ridiculous
  14. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Age old tactic, if you can't win in a debate, discredit
  15. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    If you are claiming that the character in the video is indeed right wing pretending to be left wing then I pity you Feel free to watch the 2 YEARS worth of clips before trump got elected to help formulate that view, as I have ...and I'm an idiot lol
  16. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Again, meaningless. Care to DEBATE? No, because you are out of your depth
  17. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    actually...^^^^ this where is the OP clip wrong Please DISCUSS.
  18. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    "you'd be speaking German now...." is a bullshit cliché
  19. Rizlared

    Israel is burning!

    This means nothing to me as it isn't written in a universal language. All I will say is a bigot may be a bigot, but you calling them that doesn't make them that as you've claimed many things, used many insults, all out of context and it is you I dismiss
  20. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    ...and you are correct, I do not appreciate the violence that ensures I'm not speaking German. Equally, you seem to be ignorant of the FACT that we chose to enter that war, Germany wanted to avoid war with us at all costs