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  1. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    ouch...good one Justin I'm wounded
  2. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    No debate, no discussion, just name calling Infantile stupidity
  3. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    well thank you for perfectly illustrating Mr Pies point.
  4. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    ...and who is it you refer to?
  5. Rizlared

    Israel is burning!

    ..and we didn't hand the territory over to the Jews, we withdraw, the Jews took to arms and took over the state
  6. Rizlared

    Israel is burning!

    I dont disagree with much of this and applaud your attempt to view the situation impartially. That said, you mention how the British were 'tired of fighting the ...local arabs' and 'Glad to hand the territory over to the Jews' I don't believe this paints a true or fair picture. The British...
  7. Rizlared

    Israel is burning!

    ...and I have no sympathy for Isreal, as a state, but I do have empathy for civilians of this planet
  8. Rizlared

    Israel is burning!

    unarguably correct, nice post
  9. Rizlared

    Israel is burning!

    I'll informed or blatantly biased The USA decided upon regime change in Syria in 2006, 5 years before civil war. Arming and funding the 'rebels' you created ISIS (they did exist but were fucking inconsequential upstarts until funding and arms came their way) The US even predicted that the...
  10. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Jonathan Pie is a character created by a British actor/comedian I've followed for some time now. Unashamedly left in his political views Here's his opinion on how the left won the election for trump. Listen to this, then read the pro Clinton brigade in the 'Clinton can't be trusted thread...
  11. Rizlared

    So where can we watch free movies?

    I'm unsure without seeing your setup. I know where and how with the builds I've used If in doubt, uninstall kodi and give it a fresh install
  12. Rizlared

    So where can we watch free movies?

    You'll definitely get ESPN on there, I think I've watched a few live EPL games on ESPN but, being the other side of the pond, I have no idea about what you lot call football. In my experience, you'll find anything you're looking for that's televised
  13. Rizlared

    So where can we watch free movies?

    make sure to clear your cache before installing, should you choose to
  14. Rizlared

    So where can we watch free movies?

    Wookie is a build for Kodi that sources pretty much everything you'd want. It's my preferred build but others have their favourites and that's valid. If you're interested, here's how to install. Simple yet very rewarding
  15. Rizlared

    The UK Growers Thread!

    What's 'best' for one man may not be for all. I'm in no position to lay out for LEDs just now buy will be following your grow journal with interest
  16. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Poor you
  17. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    No worries
  18. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    simple things amuse simple minds
  19. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I can see you are all hard for each other. sweet