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  1. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    ...and you think I'd know any difference if we'd lost the war and I spoke in German? I'd be controlled by a ruling class who dictated to me how to live What's the difference? How many lives were lost to acheive the status quo?
  2. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    I'm not here to attempt to be popular. I say almost nothing in the growing weed threads because people know more than me. I wish people in the politics forum took the same approach
  3. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    No debate there. How many died to achieve this, and what did they achieve? I think you need to change your name mate
  4. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    and who is it you believe is pro fascist that no one listens to?
  5. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    ...and this from a Clinton supporter lol the irony
  6. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    The left has become a joke...consider No one can generalise about Muslims (I agree with this) No one can generalise about himosexuals (again, I concur) Anyone who voted for trump is sexist and racist Massive generalisation. Fucking hypocrisy of the highest order
  7. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Now, viciously support this? I abhor racism, fascism etc I will not help realign the views of fascists or racists by insulting them, generalising or name calling.
  8. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Actually, you may no know this but Theresa May (Britain's pm) is right wing So when he says that in some areas she is more left wing than Clinton he is actually confirming your point of view about America's left.
  9. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    No, do not swerve it. Please show me the evidence to support your belief that the character Jonathan Pie is right wing
  10. Rizlared

    Israel is burning!

    incorrect Buck has an over inflated opinion of his own beliefs He's shit at debating, useless at discourse and I enjoy highlighting this for all to see. His cronies reply to support him but the truth is in print for all to see....he is weak and will not debate as he is as ill informed. Any...
  11. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    ..if you can :cool:
  12. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Yet again, no attempt to discuss. Believe what you want. I have one account on here, I don't need more, I don't judge my beliefs or views by likes and therefore wouldn't need any extra accounts
  13. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    A right wing comedian?.....really? And you try to discredit ME Watch again, watch his other clips Whatever your opinion of him, if you believe him to be right wing I suggest you give up pretending to know about politics now :wall::wall:
  14. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Now would I have as a profile pic a quote from 1984 if I was a right wing type? I'm simply disgusted by the behaviour of those who claim they speak for the left
  15. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Feel free to discuss the OP ...but then you never do that because it is beyond your capabilities. You simply hurl insults ...which actually reinforces the OP
  16. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    I don't know what you mean, if you're implying I have multiple accounts, nice attempt to discredit. I hide from no one. I have one account. You are weak
  17. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    I'm just glad that the grow info on RIU is more useful and accurate than the opinions and beliefs of those who shout the loudest in the politics forum
  18. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    That's a fella who is actually on the left of politics, and you have a problem with his beliefs system Are you a trump voter in disguise?
  19. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Now, you stand accused of not listening to the point of view of anyone who differs in opinion to you. You stand accused of hurling insults instead of entering into discourse you stand accused (by Mr Pie) of helping trump into the white house ...and your reply to these accusations? Hurl...