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  1. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    Other them so severely that it simply isn't worth owning one. More than one tool is available if there is the will
  2. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    I am not missing any of these points. I have no gun, I fear no monsters. Zero guns = zero gun crime. Not zero crime...ive never claimed this. It is true that crime will still exist and the causes of this should be addressed. There is a massive difference in being punched and being shot. In...
  3. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I know some perfectly nice racists. I know some dickhead non racists. Some racists I know dislike financial inequality, I align myself with them there also. Only a dumb ass American would assume that, as I disagree with someone on one issue (such as racism) that I must disagree with...
  4. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    Yeah, I was asked a question I hadn't considered before and, thinking aloud I came up with the above. I see the dilemma So, guns have been made illegal. An amnesty has passed where people can hand them in and be compensated. So let's not send armed police to disarm. If it is known that...
  5. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Bed now Goodnight uncle buck x x x
  6. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Well I wouldn't be so rude as to call you a dumb ass American but as you self confess this... Farage is leader of ukip. Not everyone who voted brexit agrees with ukip. Neither have you qualified how that poster suggests brown people would ruin our economy as you stated. but that's probably...
  7. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    no, I live in a civilised area where no one owns guns. Neither have I felt the need to own one to defend myself...I'm rather good at that
  8. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    Can you please give an example of how I might ask a government to enforce my wishes? It could be my post pub head but I can't think of an example
  9. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    I'm not. I know snippets
  10. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    An outright ban on guns will make ownership illegal. You'd be able to arrest those that own guns (if aware) before gun crime is committed. If I wanted a gun (in uk) I could get one, easy. Given the consequences of ownership I'd have to be a total knob to carry it without intent to use, so at...
  11. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I know some brexit voters, I know some liberals, I know loads of people, all who had a say. I know of NO ONE who was worried brown people would ruin our economy. Still...I'm sure you know best uncle buck ;)
  12. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    you make some valid points. I've just got in from the pub and things are fuzzy, I am happy. I would like to take some of what you say to task...but now is not the time. Thanks for going to more effort than to just call me a retard lol. you know fuck all :)
  13. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    :wall: why do I bother? Stop getting your history from movies and talking in clichés You're actually quite shit at fighting wars...but that's not one i want to get into because I find no positives in anyone being good at this
  14. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    The EU has euro MPs that we elect to represent us, but they can't. They have a voice and a vote but no power. it's an illusion of democracy. Sitting above them are an unelected council who can over ride any vote. So it's dead simple really, I had the opportunity to vote between a system of...
  15. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Back in the day, around 2002, no politician would discuss immigration. It was too sensitive. People watched their entire neighbourhood change and wanted to ask what were reasonable questions. The lack of representation lead to the rise of a right wing party...the BNP. (cunts) As they were an...
  16. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Unfortunately the brexit debate was less a debate and more of a mud slinging match. There were two prevalent issues. Immigration and the economy Neither were a factor to me. I've met too many nice immigrants to want to stop them coming but space this island is obviously finite in size. It's...
  17. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    Perhaps someone, I did ask earlier, can explain to me the appeal of gun ownership?
  18. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I don't consider myself a lefty Or a right I align myself with my family and my football team, no one else gets unquestioned support. A lot of my views fit into the lefty camp but I just voted the uk out of the EU which, apparently, is a right wing view. I look at facts, make my mind...
  19. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    you have been empire building for 100 years now. You used to be proud of it, named a building after it. After the ww2 there was a stigma attached to empires so we word things differently. I am spinning nothing. The USA has had a policy of regime change for any leader who won't play your game...
  20. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    I dispute non of this. Let's take an extreme scenario, given the factors that you mention, if there were zero guns...non at all, how many deaths by gun crime would there be? Obviously none. So there you have in play all of the factors that contribute to crime yet no gun crime. More...