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  1. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    facts are, fewer guns...less gun crime. look at the global statistics. The world is a lot bigger than the usa
  2. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    France, united kingdom, Belgium, Germany
  3. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    I'm talking global, look at the stats. No need to apologise though, we all make mistakes at times
  4. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    States? What about nations?
  5. Rizlared

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    You Americans do seem to have a fixation with guns?!? It's fucking crazy Whatever your opinion, the inescapable fact is, the greater the availability of guns the more people die at the hands of them. The gun lobby has lots of money though. People are so easily brainwashed, controlled.
  6. Rizlared

    Music of the Revolution- The Revolution will be Heard !

    the Palestine rap is fucking brilliant. great find I like the sincerity of the second tune, production not to my taste but that's subjective
  7. Rizlared

    Music of the Revolution- The Revolution will be Heard !

    This fella grew up surrounded by artistic types whilst his family was escaping Spain's Franco He sings in Spanish, English and French. I don't, so I have no idea what he's singing about but he mentions marijuana and that'll do for me. He's excellent
  8. Rizlared

    Music of the Revolution- The Revolution will be Heard !

    excuse the obvious revolution tune but everything is relative. "come mothers and fathers throughout the land, don't criticise what you can't understand" mid sixties...that's more powerful than nwa saying fuck the police late 80s So powerful
  9. Rizlared

    What are the best drum or guitar solos of all time.

    That said, I discovered the Electric Wizard only two months ago and Jus Oborn is a fucking detuned guitar god.
  10. Rizlared

    What are the best drum or guitar solos of all time.

    For me, it isn't about technical excellence as much as it's about expressing the sentiment of the song. I haven't heard all the music in the world but the guitarist I most admire based on the above is David Gilmour of Pink Floyd. The solo in comfortably numb is, in terms of both context and...
  11. Rizlared

    Obama Founded Isis

    As should Tony Blair
  12. Rizlared

    Music of the Revolution- The Revolution will be Heard !

    Scrolled through the thread and almost all the input is yours D528...but you already know this. I'm at work just now so can't listen or contribute really but I just wanted to thank you for keeping the thread alive. Great subject for a music thread, I'll try and participate later (and also get...
  13. Rizlared

    What Are You Listening To?

  14. Rizlared

    Obama Founded Isis

    that's lame. Alex Jones = conspiracy theories I've heard that fella speak for about 2 mins. That's it If you think that all subjects that our government(s) may find uncomfortable are represented by that individual, who has commercial interests, then I understand why you are so anti. Open...
  15. Rizlared

    Obama Founded Isis

    Conspiracy theories exist for a reason. The idiots are those who label everything a conspiracy theory and then dismiss it all. Every claim should be researched independently on its own merit. Hillsborough was a conspiracy theory, by your rationale, those who faught for the truth for 25 years...
  16. Rizlared

    any metal music fans out there?

    yeah I read up about them at work last night after your post. I will get time to check them out tomorrow, cheers :)
  17. Rizlared

    C99 from Female Seeds

    I'm sure SOME are ready in 49 days but it'll be a small percentage
  18. Rizlared

    C99 from Female Seeds

    Whereas there is no disputing this ^^^ in fairness to HotWired it is a 7week strain. Leave it too long and she loses what is unique about her. I also read the same advice but didn't take it, mine went just short of 60 days and the results are beautiful. The most pleasant, cleanest head high...
  19. Rizlared

    Obama Founded Isis

    Isis exist due to the instability in Syria and the funding and support they have had from the USA (amongst others) A project that started in 2006 Obama wasn't a factor (and I am not from your country, I am unbiased with regards your domestic politics)