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  1. G

    New to this. A couple of bagseeds.

    I just picked up some superthrive at wallyworld. It says that it requires only one drop of superthrive per gallon. It's concentrated. How often do I give it to my plants?
  2. G

    New to this. A couple of bagseeds.

    I just transplant the two that were tangled into their own pots. I switched from the Dixie cups to these jiffy cups because they are harder to see than a bunch o cups everywhere. Easy just like you said.
  3. G

    New to this. A couple of bagseeds.

    Thanks for all the advice here guys. This is good stuff. I have heard of superthrive and and fish emuslion, but like I said I'm a noob. Everyone will get a rep but may take some time. I'll prolly try some of that superthrive for about anmonth and then go to the miracle grow ferts. Is that a good...
  4. G

    New to this. A couple of bagseeds.

    I don't think so. It's pelletized slow release plant food. They are about a week and a half old.
  5. G

    New to this. A couple of bagseeds.

    It just rained a little yesterday and it was overcast so it is wet. The seeds are from a bag I got a week ago. Good shit, not border brick, and a few seeds. I also have this rose and bloom food 12-4-8 can I use this to feed them?
  6. G

    New to this. A couple of bagseeds.

    Ok. Is it easy to separate them? I've got a bunch more seeds that I can plant. These weren't germinated before planting prolly why they are small.
  7. G

    Plant Food Question

    I've got some rose and bloom food that is 12-4-8 can I give this to my plants during veg? It's in pellet form not liquid. Thanks
  8. G

    Found this sunrise/sunset calender LOOK

    This is awesome! +rep awesome find
  9. G

    New to this. A couple of bagseeds.

    These two are kinda fucked. I think they are tangled.
  10. G

    1 Huge Plant Doesn't Seem to Really Bud?.. flowering

    I would take a guess and say it's not getting enough flowering nutes
  11. G

    Is it bad?

    No signs of life after three weeks and your just now wondering? Yeah I would believe those poor bastards are dead
  12. G

    what wrong with this seedling?

    Lol at this stage you don't have to worry about it much. Just keep the soils moist not drenched an watch it grow
  13. G

    Know any good autoflowers?

    I'm planning an outdoor grow in late Apr early May and wanted a low maintenance plant and my buddy said autoflowers are good. It's going to be strictly outdoors.