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  1. Alec420

    3 weeks flower , difference , experiences

    they are blooming fast, thats awesome:bigjoint:
  2. Alec420

    California Caregiver Laws

    you can't grow commercially untill 5 years have passed... but all you need to do is be a medical patient to a shop and sell it to them
  3. Alec420

    Thoughts and advice!!

    take horizontal picture please. I want to see all the plants. It looks small for being 2 months in a 7 gallon pot under a 1000 watt HID
  4. Alec420

    Need help asap please. Pics

    I guess when its over ripe, it starts forming hollow seed shells. I guess that lowers the potency? I don't know guys im just guessing :dunce:
  5. Alec420

    Need help asap please. Pics

    it looks beautiful to me
  6. Alec420

    Re-Veg after harvest Success

    what a wonderful plant :bigjoint: thanks for the post. This is good info
  7. Alec420

    Purposefully keeping plants root bound

    and adding beneficial bacteria
  8. Alec420

    Purposefully keeping plants root bound

    that sounds like a problem I have RN, thanks for posting
  9. Alec420

    Beating stretch?

    thanks lol
  10. Alec420

    Guys, is this too close? come look

    perfect, ill get right on it
  11. Alec420

    What y'all think so far

    how often do you feed?
  12. Alec420

    California Caregiver Laws

    there are ways to buy into growing weed. legally
  13. Alec420

    What y'all think so far

    they look hungry
  14. Alec420

    PH Pen fell in water

    bro im living check to check, maxed out credit card. I literally can not afford it lol. unless i use grocery money or bill money, Maybe i should sell some of my stuff, but selling used stuff is hard
  15. Alec420

    PH Pen fell in water Not in my price range buddy
  16. Alec420

    PH Pen fell in water

    drying in process
  17. Alec420

    Guys, is this too close? come look

    yea im thinking of killing one off. it looks unpleasnt
  18. Alec420

    Guys, is this too close? come look

    i super cropped acouple plants but they kept growing taller and taller. so i kept putting the light higher and higher. Btw the 1000 watt light i hav is 5 days new. before I had a 600 watt closed hood side light 300w mars
  19. Alec420

    PH Pen fell in water

    Hanna ph pen fell in water, can i fix it by drying it. it wont turn on. Maybe the batteries fried?
  20. Alec420

    Guys, is this too close? come look

    some of these plants were given to me vegged for a long time in 4x4 pots. then i had to move my grow somewhere else because of house inspections. I couldn't flower the plants at my mates house . so thats why they are all stretched out. Vegged for too long, and had to make the best of my situation