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  1. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    I'm sure it's gonna be interesting to see what comes of it , one more question the harvest days that the banks give like 75 day 55 day are those accurate I check the tris with a lighted scope but will those days they give us accurate ... Thanks for the help on the autos , I no some Dnt like to...
  2. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    No no clones for auto lol my bad sorry for my poor explanation. Im cloning my tuts and my cheese for outdoor the autos will be indoor but I was thinkin of doin a auto or two outside .. I got a daylight table and bout April 20 we hit 13 hours of daylight here were I'm from topping out around 14.5...
  3. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    That's what I was thinkin the less stress the best yield what is some realistic numbers for yeilds , I wouldn't consider my self a expert but def not a noob , tbink my set up and my nutes are in check .. I no it depends on strain but I'm tbinking 3 to 5 oz is realistic ... I'm tbinking topping...
  4. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Have u ever grew autos ... Some people say use tall square containers other say it Dnt matter but use notning more then 5gal , just tryin to find someone that has and is willing to share some do and don'ts , my biggest question was do u just let me grow do u top do u super crop do you LST ,
  5. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Yeah hopefully it smokes good , I've heard mixed things bout it after I purchased , these are gonna be for a outdoor comin up with comes cloning gonna be goin to autos for indoor and tryin a variety , got this mad idea for a cross of could strains to create my own once I get it goin imma share...
  6. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Super cheese below The 3-1/2 week old from seed super cheese and king tuts 18/6 Happy frog Ocean forest Light warrior soils GH nutes A B RAPID START FLORA PLUS DIAMOND NECTAR SUGAR DADDY MOLASSES FULL STRENGTH 760 ppm 6.7 ph 600ml water and nutes every other round 1 gal pots...
  7. Shadytrees88


    Yeah I was . Them r just some bag seed I got some GORILLIA seeds goin them were just some fuck around plants but yea looks like males to me
  8. Shadytrees88


    One Two three I'm thinkin I got 2 males and one female but I'm Not good at judging so let's hear your thoughts I think the first pic is a female and the last two are males I could be wrong thou any help these plants r 6 weeks old two days ago
  9. Shadytrees88

    Containers and containers

    So what does everyone you for indoor containers. I've got 4 babies 1gal black pots that soon will need to be up potted to 5 gal . I've heard that auto flowers need tall square containers but was thinkin of doing a 5 gal square or 12x12x12 square which is 7 gal for indoor ... But also was...
  10. Shadytrees88

    Ballest and bulb help

    So the guy I buy all my grow equipment from sold me a 400w electronic Ballest , sun leaves optilum mh and hps bulbs , the mh is 4200k and the hps is 2000k I feel the hps bulb is ok but wanting to increase my mh bulb to around 6500k... My question is the bulbs I use now say fits standard mogul...
  11. Shadytrees88

    Advice of a 400w MH Blue Bulb

    I've been searching for the same info . Idk what kinda ballast you got but I have a 400w ion electronic ballast , the mh bulb I have is down around 4200k tryin to find a 6500k bulb ... I've been looking at the ushio hi lux grow there pricey around 75 , agromax400 for the price and reviews ...
  12. Shadytrees88

    Indoor hybrid grow thoughts and opinions HONESTLY

    Never mind the messed up leaves on them I was tryin to get pics of the inner nodes and branching lol
  13. Shadytrees88

    Indoor hybrid grow thoughts and opinions HONESTLY

    And those pics went in the total wrong order I was adding them good lord I'm sorry people ...these are the presumed trainwreck strain
  14. Shadytrees88

    Indoor hybrid grow thoughts and opinions HONESTLY

    So here is week 5 to 6 on 3 Good home grown seeds and one that was told to be a trainwreck strain anyone care to give me some yes or no on the train wreck possibility !!!!!! Also weeks 2 to 3 of TUTANKHAMON and a super cheese fem The homegrown/bag seed and trainwreck seeds were started out on...
  15. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    There's pics of my tent setup , the led bar is gonna be traded out for another 220 solarflare to have equal led on both sides ... But u can see the fan pulls air threw the light and bulb , the next pic u can see the open end of the reflector, that pulls the air in from the tent , then my small 6...
  16. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    Does the carbon filter have a hole on each end or not ... If it doesn't u could connect the filter on the open end of the reflector might have to get a 6in adapter for 6 bucks to connect to the reflector so ur air will pull threw the filter into the light then out the window or whatever ,. I Dnt...
  17. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    My reflector is a sunspot basically made the same way but my bottom glass had cables on one side and clips on the other ... And yes I think that will solve ur problem .. I had a 220 led and a 50 led in a tent they said ohh they Dnt put off Much heat , I had air pumpin in and a small fan pumpin...
  18. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    Idk how to get hot air away from the open reflector I think u could hook a 6inch 450 Cfm inline fan , not the cheap ones from lowes that are to add to ur duct work but actually inline fans , and u could mount the intake hose close to the light and I possible would pull that hot air away from the...
  19. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    I need to get a inline fan to pull the heat away from the light ... My light is connected to 6inch inline fan the open end of the light pulls air from The room threw the reflector and out side , I have 2 6 inch booster fans to push air into my Room , I have my temp gauge hangin off My Light...
  20. Shadytrees88

    Spring water or tap

    I no the wells down were i live in the bottoms have iron but this comin out of the side of a bluff more less idk if it would have iron I no that There is no orange around the ground were it drains ... Like we're I worked down the road we had wells to fill out fish ponds and even our holding...