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  1. Shadytrees88

    Possible issue with plants

    I'm feeding 1/4 strength, using GH A,b . Rapid start , diamond nectar, floralicious plus , PH AT 6.4 , using happy frog and ocean forest , only have fed one time .
  2. Shadytrees88

    Possible issue with plants

    Heard that ,, so does the color look ok they seem rather dark to me
  3. Shadytrees88

    Possible issue with plants

    Other wise do they look ok they seem darker then normal .
  4. Shadytrees88

    Possible issue with plants

    That's what I was thinkin , I just transplanted to 5 gallon containers ... Is that what the spots on the leaves r from lack of nutes cause of root bound ... Why do the leaves twist for never have seen that before which its been 3 years since I've had a grow
  5. Shadytrees88

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Welp gorilla came threw , whoop whoop ... The secret shippin worked , took couple weeks but hey Chicago customs had em for bout a week .. Thanks gorilla . Hope to have some updates of the lil girls here soon ...
  6. Shadytrees88

    Possible issue with plants

    was wonderin if anyone could tell me if there is a problem with these two plants i got ... The one has some small yellow spots on the leaves and if u look from the under side u can see the spots more so , they also look dry vs shiny waxy the other looks good with no spots but the tips of the...
  7. Shadytrees88


    That's awesome . I got some super silver and TUTANKHAMON and freebies . Been around super silver along love it , the other hopefully works out as well
  8. Shadytrees88

    Customs and packages

    Kinda what I thought to . I've ordered things in past , off subject and sometimes took a month but have got things from China in a week so how the hell that works beats me . As long as Johnny law Dnt show up and I Dnt got that dreaded letter idc how long it takes
  9. Shadytrees88

    Customs and packages

    No placed order I think 26th late evening for states 28th is when it shipped outa uk , and cleared customs Chicago yesterday evening at 630 ..
  10. Shadytrees88

    Customs and packages

    got some seeds from across the way , cleared Chicago customs in les then 24 hours . With a quick clear time everyone think they made it threw , didn't no if they was seized that package would be held for a period then sent out ... Just curious as to what others experiences were with customs ...
  11. Shadytrees88


    ORDERED seeds from gorilla JAN 26 made it to Chicago customs and proccssed threw Jan 30 . Hope it's smooth sailing from here on out , 5 star for the GORILLIA on stealth , and speed ..
  12. Shadytrees88

    Gorilla seedbank review

    I'm sure there wount be a issue just curious as to why one seed said fem on my order description but the rest didn't but on each page for each strain it was sayin fems ... Def let ya no thou thanks for the reply
  13. Shadytrees88

    Limited access

    How come I Dnt have access to making a grow log and certain things , I'm a new member . What do I need to do to have full access to things . Was tryin to read bout being a established member but only could read a few lines and it said didn't have permission for rest ..
  14. Shadytrees88

    Led and seedling color question

    i went night to day with what I used to have ,set up in my basement had a 14 by 10 Ac cooled 1000wt hps then went to this tent set up up stairs in a spare room couldn't use basement anymore cause of water issues , so now I'm tentin it up which hasn't been bad just diffrent and these LEDs also ...
  15. Shadytrees88

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Places a order with gorilla couple days again , wondering , hope some of the strains I got were not misleading to being fems, none of which on the order ticket say fems but one which is super cheese , but if u look on each strain says 100% fems ... I no there is a chance some could have ballz...
  16. Shadytrees88

    Led and seedling color question

    just started this new led grow , used to hps Ect , my question is it seems that my seedlings are darker green then I've seen in the past , they was germinated Jan 18 they look good no stretch in got heavy stem seem to be healthy , just curious if the led is causing the color to darken cause of...
  17. Shadytrees88

    Help with leds

    I got one light set at 12 the other set at 16 all seems to be good may lower the one a lil more
  18. Shadytrees88

    Help with leds

    I've gotten into the LEDs now to try something diffrent , I picked up a solarflare 200 full cycle along with a illumitex 50w Neo ls , how close is to close for these lights or any leds , I've read people sayin 18 to 24 inches then seen a guy post he has a Cali works 400 he keeps 12 inches . Room...
  19. Shadytrees88

    seedling help please

    Def way to earlier for that one pound call forsure . On another note for substituting perlite I actually got a lot of perlite in my soil but got this soft fluffy insulation like stuff to put into the bottoms of my pots suppose to retain some water but allow drain holes from closing , and good...
  20. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    Seems like you go something outa balance along with over watering . Causing the such slow growth and droopy leaves , I've had my share off mess ups , temp looks dead on humidity looks good , I'd just leave em alone for a few days and see what happens , Lower humidity enough and u could raise the...