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  1. Shadytrees88

    Spring water or tap

    My tap water is city water comes out of lake by the house treated yada yada , it's not bad tap water but man that spring water down the road taste like freakin Fiji water lol .. So names of some tests that work good r easy to use , would the test kit I get be the same for city and spring water...
  2. Shadytrees88

    Spring water or tap

    I just didn't no if like people that had the opportunity to use spring water they would over tap water ... I didn't no if it was more beneficial then tap water beings the things they put in water these days . Even if there was no benifit I would like to use it just to keep things natural I guess...
  3. Shadytrees88

    Spring water or tap

    Was wondering what people's thoughts were on this , I have a natural spring that is a few miles from the house the ph is 7.4 my tap is 8.5 give or take . Not worried bout the ph but would y'all tbink that water would be more pure then tap water and better .. just something I was curious bout
  4. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    2 to 2.5 feet away .wow . I'm running my 400 w 9 inches from the tops ... As long as ur fan is pullin heat away from That reflector you can go pretty close , I'll post a chart of how many lumens and what's ok N inches from ur plants for .. I wouldn't just throw them right into 9 inches but ease...
  5. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    Feel fee to pm me any time .
  6. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    Mine are a lil behind also but I didn't add my 400 hid till 2.5 weeks into it and I went from solo cups to 5 gal pots cause my 2.5 gal containers didn't come in in time and my plants were root bound ... The over watering can set em back some also , what kinda lights and how far r u running what...
  7. Shadytrees88

    These look ok for 3 half weeks

    I went from solo to 5 gal my damn 2 gal pots got delayed so I had to do sowmtning think the growth got set back some what due to the root bound and over size transplant . Stalks r heavy and the two in the middle on the right r good ... Oh I failed to mention that I didn't get the 400w hid till 2...
  8. Shadytrees88

    Led and hid lighting

    What's the difference ...
  9. Shadytrees88

    Led and hid lighting

    I Dnt no if you understood my question ... My led light at the glass reads high light , my hid at the glad reads low or low + at my plants on the two led sides it reads normal but at 10 inches with my hid mh bulb it reads low that's crankin all this ballets will do that's even on super lumen...
  10. Shadytrees88

    Led and hid lighting

    Is that a ok one ... Do you use one
  11. Shadytrees88

    These look ok for 3 half weeks

    The one on the left the top left are just guinny pigs more less just bag seed doin a lil experiment but the ones to the right are Wat I'm focusing on and the ones in the small cups , these will be cloned for outdoor grow and 5 clones will be used for indoor ... Just wanting some opinions one if...
  12. Shadytrees88

    has anyone ever seen this

    Defiantly got okie doked on the seeds . I hope you didn't pay for that damn I would be pissed ...
  13. Shadytrees88

    Led and hid lighting

    using 2 led lights 220 California and a 50 illumitex , along with a 400w mh/hps I have a dr meter ph/temp/light meter and holding the meter up to the hid mh light to the glass is shows low to low+ lighting . But when puting it up to the led light 10 inches away it says normal to high and closer...
  14. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    Use Amazon bro . I've gotten nutes off there cheaper then my supplier can get things to me . They have everything that you need . I've never bought soil off there so shippin may b pricey but nutes and starting cubes and ph ec meter they got it all . U shouldn't feed nutes for atleast 4 weeks of...
  15. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    I use happy frog and ocean forest 50/50 mix in the bottom of my big containers I use this stuff that looks like insulation but it's to retain moisture and also allows water to drain threw the holes without soil packing em up , ... But like Cindy said might not be bad to repot and try again ...
  16. Shadytrees88

    Seedling Problems

    As needed . I usually let the soil dry until the cup feels light or u can put ur finger in the soil and it feels dry , it all depends on setup , see my fans move a lot of air so the top layer of my soil drys quickly , even though my room is 75 and low humidity , if ur rooms is hotter it probly...
  17. Shadytrees88

    Possible issue with plants

    One dose of 1/4 strength was all I gave em but they have had couple doses of water no nutes and was transplanted to bigger containers
  18. Shadytrees88

    Possible issue with plants

    Even with those plants being as old as they are when should nutes be applied , or what is a good starting time
  19. Shadytrees88

    Possible issue with plants

    What is FFOF AND FFHF...
  20. Shadytrees88

    Possible issue with plants

    So with that being said bout the happy frog and ocean forest being hot hot . Should I cut back my mix from 50/50 to like 70/30 until transplant I had to quit for 4 years due to women and work forgot a lot of the lil things but y'all been great help for sure ...