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  1. 240sxing

    Training , Defoliation , and Airflow.

    I know the whole Defoliation is a very split decision kinda subject. So much RED vs BLUE! . But Im starting to beleave that people that don't Defoliate , Don't train as in Scrog , SOG , BOnsai , Topping and or in tight space. So those who do have to, limited by space and or chose to train...
  2. 240sxing

    Northern Light Nirvana CFL grow

    Looking Good , better than my first run with her which I cut at 67 days 12/12 , 45 g dry + trim and lowers. Currently got the second gen and 3rd clones in flowering 39 and 25 days 12/12. Though stunted due to low soil temps a little. Dont want to invade your journal but if you want to see pics...
  3. 240sxing

    BUGS WTf help some sort of mites but weird

    First thing I thought , tick!
  4. 240sxing

    Frosty or just average

    What is your lighting , supplementing any uvb?
  5. 240sxing

    Frosty or just average

    Super Frosty! But I guess that also depends on the strain.
  6. 240sxing

    Brown spots, please advise

    Having this exact problem myself thought it was ph problem but after checking ph 6.4 water and my runoff 6.4 . I noticed this after realizing my soil is below 60 degrees F. Running 400w hps and supplemented a vero 18 led . So I beleave or want to is that I'm my case the soil temp is locking...
  7. 240sxing

    Northern Light Nirvana CFL grow

    Yeah growing in ffof amended with happy frog dry fert. Fed cal-mag and Tapping roots (free stuff) , molasses. on runoff I water good with about 15-20 percent 1st , then followed next water for most minimum run with good coverage , vise versa with feed and just plain ph'd water.
  8. 240sxing

    Northern Light Nirvana CFL grow

    Really like your use of the lattice. Great Ideal. Im using some plastic lattice at the bottom of cab , pots sitting on top suspended couple inches off ground , makes my cleanup after water speedy.
  9. 240sxing

    Northern Light Nirvana CFL grow

    Okay here are the ladies , 1st , 2nd and 3rd generation. 65 , 23 and 9 days old.
  10. 240sxing

    Northern Light Nirvana CFL grow

    Yeah np at work atm , its day 64 today when I get off , ill take some without hps on.
  11. 240sxing

    Northern Light Nirvana CFL grow

    Looks good , got some Nirvana NL femanized going to. Awesome cause our plants look very similar. Here's a pic day 60 since 12/12. All I got atm.
  12. 240sxing

    Buds are forming in a weird way

    Looks like what other plants due (lettuce) to heat stress , bolting.
  13. 240sxing

    Need Help with seedlings

    I never had troubles untill this winter ,and my germinating and cloning went to shit, so I went and got a reptile heat mat and regained the 100% success.
  14. 240sxing

    Looking for a cloning guru to see if I'm on the right track

    Also there is many methods to cloning I find heat mat , and Dome work best , buy you can even clone while its still on the Mother something I have not tried yet but looks very promising.
  15. 240sxing

    what do u guys do with ur residue

    Boil in water.
  16. 240sxing


    Depending on you height limit , you could but would have to grow more plants. Or at the same time you could just go auto's.
  17. 240sxing

    Post Pics Of Your Healthy Thriving Plants Here!

    Nirvana Northern Lights femanized , after some more LST.
  18. 240sxing

    upgrading need some advice

    Use both you pc fans for exhaust blow hole and have a passive intake. What's size pc fans?
  19. 240sxing

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    Not sure if posted and if you haven't seen , watch Lets be Cops!