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  1. 240sxing

    Is This a Male Pre-Flower?

    No stalk under those spades , all female , also if it was male you would already know , would have multiples little balls/ pods. That looks pretty clean.
  2. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Well finally got time to finish this project and just got finish letting it run for over an hour no problems , no smell of burning components. Also tested it at work against a 400 w mh and impressed everybody , also we just replaced the bulbs about 3 months ago. Now its time to refine.
  3. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Think you are right. Well I ended up chopping the tops off and letting the lowers continue. At least ill be able to test both I guess. Drivers are out for delivery , if al goes right ill be lighting the up for some test tonight.
  4. 240sxing

    3-D printers . !!!!

    I purchased a Rostock max from seemecnc last year. Its a delta system so a little different than most. Love it and couldn't live without it.
  5. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Yeah after giving proper thought the air flow would collide and wouldn't be a proper flow , without a divider to guide the airflow , but I'm thinking from the others that have researched and tested that I'm probably overkilling it and is doesn't get that hot. Thanks yeah got the cobs quick...
  6. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Been thinking to balance the air flow would be to have to intakes and and large center /blow hole to extract the heat. Would be more of equal cooling to cobs/heatsink.
  7. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Also here is some eye candy of my hopefully last flowering cfl grow. 55 days since sexing , roughly 70 days total since 12/12. Starting to amber and not really looking for couchlock, atm. Does it look premature for harvest?
  8. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Figured I'd post an update on both the Diy led and the current cfl grow. Been waiting on the drivers for awhile but finally the left Chicago and should be here Monday. Been debating on having the fan pull or push air. And debating on the whole cool tube internals ideal as one cob /...
  9. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Yeah the fence post is such a great ideal and I am definitely going that route.
  10. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Yeah that was my fault by using the term cool tube , I meant it for the inner heatsink fins horizontal in a tube , while the cob is extruding out a 1/4 inch, so the cool tube itself is just for internal components(Drivers -n Such) and the majority of the cob heatsinks.
  11. 240sxing

    10 chicken nuggets for $1.49 at BK

    ^ lol nice try , and those look good , and if not better that some fake ass ckicken fries. And im sure chicken fries from BK is chicken waste compiled into Fry/Nugget.
  12. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Im just dipping my toe in the pool on this , but I was thinking if I pull /extract the hot air away and out , it would help keep the ambient temp down for the overall Component/Cab ?
  13. 240sxing

    Mushrooms growing in my soil, is this good?

    ^ Why would anyone reveg, unless its a suprise then your like DAMN! REVEG! Been thinking alot about reveging I would pull clones , when you get some shoots and restart. Would like to see a follow up on the reveg.
  14. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    So I begin the parts list , from there I scavenge some parts from old pc , I must say I am a DC electronics hobby guy , not full blown , but I do have Soldering iron , 3D printer , all the goodies to test , supply and maintain. I plan on atm! , running two V18s or cxa3070 in a cool tube like...
  15. 240sxing

    Building A Small Cab COB LED

    Should start by saying thank you to the DIY LED users and the time you guys have took to not only make write-ups but to open source your findings is awesome. I'm a noob to growing , kinda , but not a noob to the web/researching. But as with learning its time to make a change , cfls just dont...
  16. 240sxing

    Mushrooms growing in my soil, is this good?

    Damn that bush if very compact and full looking , Good light penetration huh?
  17. 240sxing

    Mushrooms growing in my soil, is this good?

    I would doubt that those are safe to eat, very few out of the wide variety are , seems like the not so stereo type looking mushrooms are the more edible in the wide range of them. I also forgot to mention, is that to grow mushrooms, it requires just the right range of RH so , which just points...
  18. 240sxing

    Mushrooms growing in my soil, is this good?

    Oh and after looking further , whats growing left of the stalk in that picture , looks like a bud emerging from the soil/low stalk? And if so damn , must be some good lighting.
  19. 240sxing

    Mushrooms growing in my soil, is this good?

    From what I read/learned from the webs is that means your soil is well alive and the you have a good habitat for growing cannabis and mushrooms. But your growing cannabis , and watering to frequently is making it more shroom friendly. How about a picture of the plant itself to view whether or...
  20. 240sxing

    DIY LED Grow Light Vero 18 (Economy light)

    Thanks for the response , I'm just worried that I'm only going to have like 8 inches if that between the canopy and then light and was thinking it may be to much? I top and LST heres a pic of current grow using roughly 180 watts of cfl.