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  1. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    cool, yea man you can post that pic you showed me before when I post mine at 2 weeks.
  2. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    I think in the first pic there the plant on the left is the one that i took the dripper hose off of it to see how it does, and yea I would still like to compare lol. I think I may have a worthy contender as its root has already touched the water below. are you talking two weeks from the day I...
  3. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    I have a total of 6 out of 16 up right now but it looks like a few more will be up by sometime tomorrow. the 2 in the first pic are pretty much exactly the same size and of the same strain so i took one feeder tube out and will check to see if there is a difference in growth rate. **for...
  4. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    hey thanks man, yea you are, I'll be watchin for sure, i see yours are all split they are close. I have a few back ups goin if i need them, I am running them in just soaked rock wool sitting on a bed of hydroton in a tupperware with plastic wrap and a vent. seeing if they sprout any faster I...
  5. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    finally I have sprouts showing as of last night and now this morning two of them have opened up to show their leaves. I dropped the seeds in the rockwool at 10:30 am on 12-8-09 and as of 9 am this morning I have two sprouts opened up and like 4 more just peaking still curled, hopefully they...
  6. volcomrider157

    Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

    hey cowboy did you grow that with cfls? if so how many lumens/sq.ft. were you using?
  7. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    Hey thanks ya olhippy, things have been going well for the most part but these seeds are comin on slow, they were quick to split but they are draggin a bit showing out of the rockwool, i'll swing by your thread, it sounds like its starting to get exciting over there. Anyway yea I have only...
  8. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    quick question, when the pump is running...obviously you're pumping highly oxegenated water to the root zone but do you really actually see like a lot of bubbles going through the feeder tubes, cuz i see some but not a lot.....
  9. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    well this is all def. a big help thank you all. I had my regulators set at a slight trickle before, now they are completely off, but when i turn them back on maybe i'll back them down to just a drip once i have sprouts and then after like a few days or so turn it up a hair more (slight trickle)
  10. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    fuck it, i shut down both pumps, you're right they are too wet, once i get some sprouts i'll fire the pumps back up.
  11. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    the back up cubes on the shelf weigh just over 29grams as for the ones in the net pots well i dont feel liike digging em back up but i unplugged one of the pumps to see what happens...thanks for the tip. so the light being on and being able to see the see the seed down in the cube is not bad...
  12. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    well i didn't think excess water was a problem at this stage, shit i've left seeds in a cup of water too long and practically had a little sprout growing completely submerged in water, the first to leaves were white obviously but still...idk i guess i'll give it a shot I'll shut down the pumps...
  13. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    hmm yea i could try that, I thought rockwool even when fully soaked still held a fair amount of air tho?
  14. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    well things arent lookin good around here, i dont understand whats going on here.....I've always germinated seeds in peat pellets obviously cuz i am use to growing in soil. well i've got this rockwool shit now and straight water, i soaked the seeds for like a day and a half. All but two seeds...
  15. volcomrider157

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    i dont think there is really anything you can do to prevent hi-jackers; Its the nature of the beast I guess. Aside from that though I'm hoping you decided to take your days off and are giving haircuts today...
  16. volcomrider157

    Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

    I just read the whole thread and i gotta tell ya, fellas, i hope this works. I'm rootin for ya and will be watchin from here on out... hope them seeds come in soon!!!!
  17. volcomrider157

    Picture System

    For starters I wasn't trying to discuss anything at all, I was mearly stating to the beard guy that there is a difference between bubbleponics and standard DWC. I actually read that growth during the first 2-3 weeks is 30% faster than other systems; with pics to back it up...if thats valid or...
  18. volcomrider157

    Picture System

    now now now tom, no need to get all riled up. I will post a pic at exactly 2 weeks, and considering this is my first attempt at any type of hydroponics if my plant is bigger at 2 weeks than yours was at 2 weeks....well now that would just be crazy wouldn't. Of course though if that were the...
  19. volcomrider157

    Picture System

    to each his own, but yes it is a modified dwc; also known as Bubbleponics. The growth is much more rapid in the first 2-3 weeks of veg. compared to regular dwc. If you care to take a look at more stop by...
  20. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    yea man I think they will be good, the wild weed did show trichs so it wasn't entirely ruderalis; I sampled some and it gets you high it just takes a bit more tokes and the high doesnt last very long...BUT the wild weed flowered out and finished probably 3 weeks before any of my stuff finished...