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  1. volcomrider157

    DIY CFL Bubbleponics Grow Cab

    hey man that looks great; and mad props on that sweeto reflector you made there you and me are like on the same damn page right now I just dropped my seeds in the rockwool about an hour ago. but yea tell us about that manifold you're runnin there...does it have pressure regulator valves? or is...
  2. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    alright, now I know there was some people out there curious about the "wild weed" well these are the seeds that came from my ladies....all pollinated by wild males... I'm gonna see what they do in my indoor bubbleponics set up.....i usually grow in dirt so this is all new for me but having fun...
  3. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    A few more pics.....
  4. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    Alrighty then I got everything set to go now!! whew setting up grow rooms is always so much work and when you think your done, theres always that "oh yeah! i gotta put this there and do that and this.....maybe this would be better like well after all that I am now all set up and...
  5. volcomrider157

    Picture System

    OOOOOOOHHH YEA!!!!!!!!!! it works!!! THANK YOU RIU!!! :)
  6. volcomrider157

    Picture System

    I was considering checking out a different website as well but thats why I came here first cuz I'd like to just stay here but I'd like to know whats goin on......oh....hold on ..............wait a sec......
  7. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    THose babies look good, man I love indicas :) give me a link so i can follow along with your grow. BTW- I forgot to mention that my initial guess of 10.5 gallons in a 14 gallon container was a bit off; I am going with 8 gallons of water so I can have that much needed 2inches of airspace in the...
  8. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    yea I did a fair amount of research on CFLs before i picked my weapon of choice. I actually decided to just run 2 bulbs (one over each res.) the bubls are 105w bulbs that produce 420w of light (5000k) I know you can veg and flower with these same bulbs all the way through because it...
  9. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    well as of this morning 13 seeds have split but I'm gonna wait one more day cause I still need 3 more to split, besides I like to wait til there is a little taproot pokin out anyway. I got the tanks set up last night filled with water and have been running since. I just wanted to get the feel...
  10. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    Am I foolish to use these 5000k bulbs throughout the whole grow, I'm use to just using an HPS for both veg and flower but this is total opposite. I just dont have much money right now and buying the 2700k bulbs will set me back another 70bucks.....a little feed back on this one would be much...
  11. volcomrider157

    Picture System

    hmm, i thought it was maybe just the thread but i tried one here too and still no luck
  12. volcomrider157

    Picture System

    still not working...
  13. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    I always start my seeds in a shot glass of water, first the seeds float on top then after a day i push them down with my finger and they all sink to the bottom.....well all my seeds have sank and should be poppin like crazy come tomorrow morning, one has already split so its only a matter of a...
  14. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    hey dudes just thought you all might wanna know I'm taking those seeds I got from my crop and putting them to the test in a Bubbleponics indoor set up. come on over and check it out. its called "will this work!? (bubbleponics)" hope to see some familiar faces! =)...
  15. volcomrider157

    Picture System

    hey guys, just a quick question, I have had a few different threads I've started up on RIU and I've never had a problem sharing pics until now, I'm trying to upload and it simply just says upload failed. these pics are no bigger in size and I even tried posting a pic I've already posted and it...
  16. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    for some reason I cant post pics?>....i hope i get this figured out
  17. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    well I now have everything I need to undertake this jouney and I have now started to germination process, hopefully in a few days I'll have some sprouts to show off. I will be using seeds I gathered from my outdoor crop this season as there was some breeding action going on. Also I'd just like...
  18. volcomrider157

    will she make it? help

    did you ever get anything there, i was just checking because i had 3 massive power skunks this year that were a total loss...
  19. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    well I found those 8 port manifolds I was looking for at lowes online but I'm not driving an hour and a half to get em so I'll just get them shipped. still waiting on the bulbs and still have to pick up some more tubing and make a valve at the bottom for draining....yea damn a lot of work to do...
  20. volcomrider157

    Will this work!? (Bubbleponics)

    well I did some shopping and got pretty much everything I need, I need a little more tubing and 2 manifolds. I cant find a place to buy those manifolds so I might have to order from online or something. I took a couple pics tonight to give you guys an idea of what's goin on here.