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  1. J

    Things seem to be going OK

    Well the last few days I've been going 4 times a day and started her back on bloom nutrients because I had had the measurements all screwed and burnt her a little a few weeks ago so just got it healthy enough to get her nutrients again.
  2. J

    Things seem to be going OK

    3 times a day they always look a little droopy right after the lights kick on. I think they were getting too cold Cuz my heat was broken for a couple weeks
  3. J

    Things seem to be going OK

    Ocean forest blend by fox farms
  4. J

    Things seem to be going OK

    Damn I was hoping sooner I was only using a 250 w high pressure but upgraded my ballast and wattage to I think 500
  5. J

    Things seem to be going OK

    So the first picture is my unknown in flower....about 3-5 weeks longer I'm guessing. The other 2 are a purple trainwreck and a kurple fantasy a week or so into veg. They started under not the best conditions but have recently got them everything they needed to be healthier. Any advice from here...
  6. J

    Grow tent set up

    Thanks that helped a lot. I already got one in flower and two seedlings they are all pheno soil doing wonderful so far
  7. J

    Grow tent set up

    OK so I'm getting a grow tent in a couple days and I have no idea how to do the inside set up I mean I'm not a complete idiot so I know where lights go but everything else I'm lost if any one can show me a good example of how the inside should be would be great. Thanks I think it Measurements...
  8. J

    Should I trim?

    Right on bro I definitely need one I just haven't had time to get out and get one but I definitely need a couple I got d trainwrecks and kurple fantasy going in veg right now so def. Gonna need a timer. This one is a Reggie bag seed so if it doesn't make it I can't be too disappointed..... OK...
  9. J

    Should I trim?

    I just started feeding her nutes I did a couple weeks ago and she didn't like it very well so I flushed her out got her looking healthy again and hit her with nutes again today but she was a Lil droopy when I turned the lights off I think she may have been under too long I don't have a timer so...
  10. J

    Should I trim?

    I included a pic of a flower toward the bottom seems like it should be getting enough light at the bottom..
  11. J

    Should I trim?

    Yea I can do that
  12. J

    Should I trim?

    Using a high pressure sodium not sure about the wattage tho I'm borrowing the bulb. But they have had 4 under it flowering before...
  13. J

    Should I trim?

    OK I trimmed her before starting flowering and she's 3 weeks in looking very bushy again should I trim her up a bit or leave her.
  14. J

    How's she look..

    Yea she's been smelling pretty decent for a week or two not super danky smell yet but when u walk in the room I have my grow hidden in you can definitely tell she's around. And thank you I've done my best with her. Trial run before the train wreck and kurple fantasy I've just started
  15. J

    How's she look..

    I actually used bloom nutrients for a week but it started to get nute burn so I flushed it and re planted it haven't given it nutrients again yet. Do u think I should? I'm using ocean forest blend and I've read its already pretty rich in nutrients
  16. J

    How's she look..

    Lol yea I took my pic on my toddler bed my kids don't live with me anyways and I needed good lighting
  17. J

    How's she look..

    Hey moon dance I had pruned it up before flowering taking of the lower fan leaves. Should I do the same again?? I'm a newbie so not sure what I'm doin lol just happy to see so many white hairs growing
  18. J

    How's she look..

    I already know my beautiful garden hand (wife) looks amazing. But how's the plant unknown genetics beginning of third flower week.
  19. J

    New flower

    Well I'm late into week 2 going on 3 of flowering and finally see the start of a couple on my plant super excited its made it this far. Will post some pics later she's sleeping right now. Also thanks to a friend I started a kurple fantasy too just waiting on her to pop! Can't. Wait
  20. J

    Any ideas??

    Yea I'm using a number 2 pot