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  1. J

    Germinated seeds and lights

    OK so I just put my first germinated seed in the soil...... My question is do I put light on it right away or wait a few days for it to pop up more??
  2. J

    First soil grow

    Awesome thanks so much I may try that with different seeds If they don't pop soon
  3. J

    First soil grow

    OK thank you.... I've always germinated mine in the friend told me to just throw them straight in the soil....they aren't anything special so they may be bad seeds as well.....I just got them from a friend no idea strain.....
  4. J

    First soil grow

    I've used hydro several times using an evan flow system with rock wool and clay pellets. No I have 2 seeds in a #2 planting pot in fox farms happy frog ocean forest blend soil since the 16th and have not seen any sprouts as of today the this normal??