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  1. J

    Any ideas??

    I just watered her with nutrients I usually feed her when the lights come on in the afternoon but I did forget to do so this morning. So would u suggest cutting the nutes and using straight water or keep using nutrients. I've been using fox farm ocean forest blend so idk if its even necessary...
  2. J

    Any ideas??

    So my plant has been on 12/12 for a little over a week. Today I got off work and came home to this....idk what's wrong I did forget to water them before I left...a friend suggested maybe nute burn??
  3. J

    Grow box...

    Alright so I'm gonna get ready next set. Right now I just have my closet lined with mylar and white paint and a PC fan blowing at the base of my plant. I'm wanting to build a small easy grow box or buy a side by side mylar tent. Anyone have any plans for a decent grow box build?
  4. J

    Day 4 on 12/12

    Well I have one female out of my 2 so that made me happy day 4 on 12/12 with hps. Also my beautiful wifey decided to help
  5. J


    Yea that didn't sound correct to me
  6. J


    Yea unfortunately I don't have a card my state isn't exactly cannabis friendly so I'm doing all this for personal use but thank you all very good information :)
  7. J

    Spider mite prevention

    I've not seen any signs of any spider mites but I'm paranoid about them. So is there anything I can do to my grow room (closet) to help prevent them??
  8. J


    I'm in need of some good seeds for my next starts...I live in the u.s. so I'm unsure of where to get them from.....any suggestions
  9. J

    Topped and pruned hope I didn't mess them up??

    Thank you....I was doing hydro so I have the flora series for nutrients but I'm gonna go buy some better ones this weekend any suggestions??
  10. J

    Topped and pruned hope I didn't mess them up??

    OK so per instruction I topped my trees and pruned them did I do OK??
  11. J

    Flower or not yet??

    Well thank you guys I went ahead and topped them pruned them up a bit and I'll start flowering them in a couple weeks thanks for ur help
  12. J

    Flower or not yet??

    OK these were planted 9/24 I'm just not sure how long to keep them vegativr before flowering..... It time to or not yet??
  13. J

    Bushy growth but not tall

    I'm using metal halide for veg and will be flowering with hps
  14. J

    Bushy growth but not tall

    For some reason I can't get my plant taller it just bushes out at the bottom. I've raised the light higher to see if that helped but it just keeps getting new leaves on the lower parts... Any idea on how to get this a little taller she is a little over 2 weeks closer to 3 weeks
  15. J

    Thanks guys!!

    My plant is doing great thanks to all of you for all your help getting me started
  16. J

    Germinated seeds and lights

    OK thank you for all your help I actually had my first one sprout this morning after about 2 days so better than it has been so far.
  17. J

    Germinated seeds and lights

    Awesome I'm using a 250v metal halide so should I keep a small fan pointed toward the light to keep it cool its in a closet so its a little warm with the light running
  18. J

    Germinated seeds and lights

    Awesome I'm using a 250v metal halide so should I keep a small fan pointed toward the light to keep it cool its in a closet so its a little warm with the light running
  19. J

    Germinated seeds and lights

    OK so I understand clearly and can save on electric when should I put the light on it
  20. J

    Germinated seeds and lights

    OK thank you something like this then??