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  1. Southernboy819

    Buds not filling out?

    I was figuring that considering its bag seed its kind of a mystery to me what strain they actually are or what the flowering time should be. Right now I'm just hoping they'll finish before we get a good frost. Had a narrow miss last week it dropped down to 36°. Its pretty crazy though the...
  2. Southernboy819

    Buds not filling out?

    These two plants have been flowering since August 17th. The buds themselves feel pretty dense when I give them a light squeeze but they're quite small and aren't filling in together like I feel they should be. I'm not sure what strain it is only that the seeds were in a bag I got that originated...
  3. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    Considering the short growing season what kind of strains would you guys recommend that will start early and finish early?
  4. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    Okay I'm gonna chance it on the big ones. The calyxes are just barely starting to swell so we'll see what happens. Mold hasnt been an issue on them yet. I don't think they're dense enough ti hold water for long; I think they're only a few days into week 5 right now
  5. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    Any idea how long I could realistically leave it out? I know first frost up here is supposed to be around the 15th and we got damn close last night to the point of frost. I think the low was 37 here. I'm gonna cover the soil up with a tarp so they dont get overwatered again this evening before...
  6. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    I think my big girls are stunted or maybe sativa dominant? While my little lady is in full flower I know I was having some nutrient problems and it was yellowing like crazy for the first half of flower but its stopped now. I'm just nervous I won't be able to finish them before the big chill...
  7. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    Is it alright to cut out a few fan leaves to achieve that?
  8. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    That's what its looking like. I've got a countdown clock on my homescreen thats at 19 days right now. That rain did more damage than I'd thought. Yesterday I ended up having to chop a half inch off the top if one of my main colas because it had started turning brown. I really went over them all...
  9. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    Is it alright to use some dolomite lime in your watering solution to naturally bring the ph up? Once mixed a gallon of nutes usually comes out to ~5.5 ph
  10. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    Man...I just need to stop messing with my plants. A little while ago I was outside checking them over and bent a main branch too far and it snapped about 1/3 of the way through right at the top of the main stem. I used a bamboo skewer and some painters/electrical tape to mend it together in a...
  11. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    How long did you veg for? Started mine indoors umder cfls in mid march Theyre in 14 and 25 gallon pots and about 6ft tall
  12. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    Yeah I'm just paranoid and having to force myself to just leave them alone. They're about 35 days into flowering plus or minus a couple days. I'm using bottle nutes from the GH Go Box. I've been trying to keep things simple so I cut some other stuff out but I'm still using the Biothrive Bloom...
  13. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    Buds are looking good so far :bigjoint: Anybody know whats going on with my leaves getting a little pale. The tips and leaf margins near the petioles seem to be turning brown as well. I got some Florabloom to supplement PK since the other GH nutes I'm using are only 2-4-4.
  14. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    True that I think they're starting to stand back up on their own now that the clouds have rolled out. Still dealing with like 3 different deficiencies and some pretty badly compacted soil. This has been an interesting first grow lol. Also have another small hybrid of some kind I grew from some...
  15. Southernboy819

    New England outdoors 2016

    That last heavy rain really beat my ladies up. They're a little top heavy so rught now they're laying down at about a 45° angle.. Will they perk back up on their own or do I need to stake them?
  16. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    One is in a 14 gallon the other is in a pot thats roughly 26 gallons. I don't really want to just go in and start chopping stuff off tbh. I've got the bug situation handled for the most part aside from leaf hoppers.
  17. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    I have so many ideas about what it could be. My well water (straight outta the ground) is high in iron and my tap water is softened. Someone told me it looked like multiple deficciencies. Namely NPK and Mg. There is no reason this should be happening. My feeding schedule seems adequate and the...
  18. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    Yeah theyre in soil and I'm not certain what ppm the nute solution is. It does get pretty warm and they are in black pots so that could be contributing to it.
  19. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    Anybody? I'm stumped because of the pattern of yellowing its kind of everywhere but mostly affecting fan leaves. The affected foliage yellows in patches with areas of dark green and the bottoms of leaves have a rusty color in places where yellowing on top of the leaf is most prominent
  20. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    This is still ongoing and I'm no closer to figuring out what is going on with my leaves. Runoff water tested at 6.3 PH after watering with water straight outta the well PH'd to 6.0. Has no one had similar leaf problems? I'm sure its not the end of my plant but its getting worse and NOBODY has...