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  1. Southernboy819

    Nitrogen Toxicity? (First Grow)

    I picked up neem oil and a gallon sprayer from home depot because there were lots of gnats hanging around my plants. After giving it a good soak they havent come back which is a plus. I'm not sure if they were fungus gnats or not though; they're about 3mm long. Anyone have a clue what might...
  2. Southernboy819

    Nitrogen Toxicity? (First Grow)

    The only signs of pests I found were these eggs. A couple leaves had one or two spots where something was obviously muching on them but they were small and there were only a couple leaves affected.
  3. Southernboy819

    Nitrogen Toxicity? (First Grow)

    Its well water. I checked the PH earlier in my grow and it was about 7.
  4. Southernboy819

    Nitrogen Toxicity? (First Grow)

    Hey all I've got two plants started indoors now being kept outside when its nice and not rainy. Each is about 2 1/2 months old. Grow medium is MG Organic Choice (yeah yeah I know) with perlite mixed in not sure of the ratio though. I havent added any nutes yet aside from whatever MG puts in it...