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  1. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    I think I found the issue when watering. I think the soil I'm using has a lot of peat moss and its not absorbing water like it should.
  2. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    So it looks like one plant has begun to recover amd the other is still having this problem. Its little budlets dont seem to be getting any bigger and some of the upper leaves have started to die from the tips out. Some of the leaf margins near the stem of some leaves are having the same...
  3. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    My pots are ~25 gallons and the other that is having the most yellowing is about 14.
  4. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    Thanks I'm impressed at how big they've gotten. The main cola stems have a few yellowing leaves further up. The affected leaves seem to mottle like the pics posted then turn banana yellow and can be pulled right off the plant with a gentle tug. Usually I try to feed them every other watering. I...
  5. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    Okay heres a pic of both of them. They're about 5 1/2 feet tall at this point. The bushier one is doing pretty good right now but the other looks a little rough imo.
  6. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    I'm not at home atm but to give you a better picture its really only new growth having problems underneath the canopy as well as the fan leaves. They are having this mottling. Its been going on a while and growth has continued but at this rate I won't have any fan leaves left by mid flower. The...
  7. Southernboy819

    Mottled leaves undersides are red?

    Is this a deficiency or? Runoff ph of both plants is fine (6.2 and 6.6) Feeding schedule is as follows per gallon Biothrive Grow 5ml Biothrive Bloom 10ml Biobud Bloom Booster 5ml Bioroot 5ml Bioweed 2.5ml CaMG+ 10ml With flowering just getting underway it'd be nice to get this under control...
  8. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    I figured the ones that were yellowed but not to the point of falling off would gain their color back. Heres hoping repotting will be enough. I really wish I would have ph'd my water before watering all this time. I guess next grow I won't be starting seeds in march. Too much time for things...
  9. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    Well I upgraded my pot situation again. 14 gallon recycle bin I cleaned out and drilled some holes for drainage in the bottom and a fish pond waterfall container thing (don't know whats its called) that holds about 25 gallons. Safe to say I shouldn't need a repot for either between now and...
  10. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    Gave her a good feeding today. I don't thi m I have the cash to upgrade to bigger pots right now but I definitely have enough soil. I transplanted them less than a month ago from 2.5 gallon pots so I hope thats not it just yet. I really wish I knew what they were. Best guess is white rhino or...
  11. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    So its a normal thing? Another theory I had was that maybe they aren't getting light at the bottom of the plant so they're dying off. I'm just concerned because leaves about halfway up my girls are showing the same symptoms. Healthy green to lime to a patchy green and yellow to fully yellow...
  12. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    Somebody? I havent been adjusting regular water PH either but I found that 2.5ml of distilled white vinegar in a gallon works to adjust down to about 6.5 so the next watering I'll be making sure to make those adjustments beforehand. Straight out of the tap ph is 7.5. Does it look like a PH...
  13. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    Anyone? This is kind of urgent. These leaves turned yellow overnight. Could cold stress cause this? The last week nighttime temps gave been in the range of 50-55 one night it dipped down to 48. Last nights low was 51.
  14. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    Okay so the yellowing leaves still seems to be ongoing. Worse on one plant the other just has a few still yellowing. I've upped my nutes since I last posted 3 tsp Biothrive Grow 1 tsp of Bio Weed 1 tsp of Bio Root 1 tsp of Diamond Black 1 tsp of CaMag+ -Per gallon of water which with nutes is...
  15. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    I'll post one up tomorrow I'm at my girl's house. So..the last couple days aphids have decided my plants look tasty. Pulled like 10 off as well as about 3 nymphs.
  16. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    I'll give it a little CalMag next feeding. The plant is about 4 1/2 months old now. I started it inside when we still had snow on the ground so maybe the plant is just showing its age?
  17. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    The soil Nitrogen test was a from the luster leaf "professional soil test kit". I did it twice with two different soil samples to confirm it was low. It came with PH, and NPK tests. The K test is completely useless though. Its not all bad thats why I didnt do a full on flush. Only 3 gallons...
  18. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    I've been trying to go slow because last time I added nutes within a day my leaves were clawing. I did a light flush today with only about 3 gallons and tested runoff at the start and after the third gallon. PH in the beginning was about 5.0 and after the last gallon it was in the range of...
  19. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    Anybody? I emded up cutting off 4 fan leaves today. The bottom two off each plant.
  20. Southernboy819

    Lower fan leaves drooping getting brown anand dying

    So I'm still dropping leaves. It seems to be most fan leaves now. All new growth still looks good. I did a soil test for nitrogen and that came back as slightly deficient so I added some biothrive grow in with the watering. Soil PH is about 6.5 in each pot