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  1. lipskilet

    Transplant this flowering sativa?

    any opinions about yield??? I'd like to see some educated guesses.
  2. lipskilet

    Transplant this flowering sativa?

    The one in the small pot seems to be less bushy, but just as tall...Thought transplanting may allow the plant to fill out...
  3. lipskilet

    Transplant this flowering sativa?

    :leaf:I've got a couple pictures attaced of my 16 days of flowering girls and wanted opinions on transplanting out of a 1.2 gallon pot. Is it to late? Will I gain yield? Any opinions on total yield from these? :leaf:
  4. lipskilet

    Start Flower? -- Pics

  5. lipskilet

    Start Flower? -- Pics

    as promised, 13 days flower. Any thoughts on total yield based on what you see here? Fox Farms the rest of the way. ...I know, my camera is garbage.
  6. lipskilet

    Start Flower? -- Pics

    thanks mygirls for the support Attaching some 8 days into flower pics and will update again tonight with current shots. (today is 13 days).
  7. lipskilet

    Start Flower? -- Pics

    Update on my cabinet
  8. lipskilet

    Start Flower? -- Pics

    I'm gonna start flower tomorrow night, with a 24 hour dark period starting tonight at 10pm. One confirmed female....
  9. lipskilet

    when to start HPS/

    What is popular opinion on when to switch to HPS from MH... first day of 12/12? After a week? Two? The thought being that if the plant sees a switch of light hours AND spectrum it might freak out and think is late...going male or hermie.
  10. lipskilet

    when to start HPS?

    What is popular opinion on when to switch to HPS from MH... first day of 12/12? After a week? Two? The thought being that if the plant sees a switch of light hours AND spectrum it might freak out and think is late...going male or hermie.
  11. lipskilet

    when to switch to HPS?

    What is popular opinion on when to switch to HPS from MH... first day of 12/12? After a week? Two? The thought being that if the plant sees a switch of light hours AND spectrum it might freak out and think is late...going male or hermie.
  12. lipskilet

    Start Flower? -- Pics

    bloom fets Getting closer to Flower...about a week. Bought some Fox Farms bloom ferts (cha-ching, etc...) and will start this next water.
  13. lipskilet

    NIrvana Seeds

    That is today...3/5
  14. lipskilet

    NIrvana Seeds

    Just a shout out to NIRVANA seeds for coming through. Ordered on 2/23, rec'd seeds on 3/6... +rep
  15. lipskilet

    Start Flower? -- Pics

    I've heard good and bad things about a 36 hour dark period but i think I'm gonna give that a work into my current sunrise schedule and will put the lights on at the following night at 10pm...(light on during the cooler arizona nights)
  16. lipskilet

    Start Flower? -- Pics

    Thanks... Miracle Grow soil Perlite MG all pupose fish emulsion superthrive I think I'll let them go to 20+ inches (10-14 days) then flower. Anyone attest to a 24-36 hour dark period before 12/12??
  17. lipskilet

    Start Flower? -- Pics

    Just wondering if I should think about starting to flower these or let them go a while. Plants double in size during flower? They all have alternating nodes... 400W
  18. lipskilet

    18 days from seed - pic

    2 42w 2700 2 26w 6500
  19. lipskilet

    mother/clone setup

    anyone have some thoughts on the best CFL arrangement?
  20. lipskilet

    mother/clone setup

    What CFL's should I have in the 6 sockets I have available? It will start as a seedling area (I have a 400W HID closet for flowering - current pic attached) and become a clone/mother area when the good seeds come.