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  1. lipskilet

    Thanks for your help!

    Thanks for your help!
  2. lipskilet

    CFl question

    This a seperate room we're talking about. If we forget about the HPS, what CFL configuration I referred to earlier is best for a mother room?
  3. lipskilet

    CFl question

    I know that blue is better for veg but I thought with the higher watt red, it may provide better gorwth. So a lower watt blue is better than a higher watt red?
  4. lipskilet

    CFl question

    I've got a 400W for Flower but wanted to start a clone/mother room. Everything is set up, just need to figue out the right configuration of CFL's.
  5. lipskilet

    CFl question

    What's better for veg? 6 42W red specturm 6 27W blue spectrum or 3 of each?
  6. lipskilet

    indica or sativa??

    is that a good thing? bushiness of indica potency of sativa?
  7. lipskilet

    indica or sativa??

    indica or sativa?
  8. lipskilet


    anyone else have opinions about these 3 week olds?
  9. lipskilet


    The white ones are 1.1 Gal
  10. lipskilet


    Need advice on where to go from here on these plants. They are all 21 days old... They were stunted early on, I was afraid of overwatering, so they got underwatered... All are bag seed and I'm seeing the effect of genics on growth patterns and wondering if it's worth the effort to keep the...
  11. lipskilet

    Adding High Output T5's

    I've got a 400MH and 400 HPS... you're saying it's better just to upgrade to a 600W than to add the T5's?
  12. lipskilet

    Adding High Output T5's

    Wondering if anyone had thoughts on adding these lights...
  13. lipskilet

    Adding High Output T5's

    I've got a 3x3x4 area with 13 seedlings going, a 400W MH for veg, and a 400W HPS ready for flower. I'm thinking that I might like to upgrade a little and add two High Output T5 2 foot 4 lamp Growbrights to either side of the cabinet. First off is this necessary and secondly would those T5's...
  14. lipskilet

    Arizona Guerrilla grow

    actually Chandler, AZ. Window screening on a guerrilla grow...Hardly seems inconspicuous... Any other ideas?
  15. lipskilet

    Arizona Guerrilla grow

    I've got a few seedlings goinng, about 3" high and I'm thinking of starting a guerrilla grow in south Phoenix. I've heard that the beginning of February is a good time to start outdoor grows here but was wondering what type of upkeep they will need. I plan digging a hole and planting in a 5 gal...
  16. lipskilet

    Cabinet color

    Just curious if painting the interior of my grow cabinet white is crucial. It's yellow... 5 days after 400w MH, Today they are at 19" below light and I plan to get as close as 12" and stay about that distnace throughout veg... Sound good?
  17. lipskilet

    HTG Grow Bright 6" inline fan

    Not that quiet to be honest. They are powerful though and you may not need the 6". I have the 4" for a 3x3x6 and it's way more that enough.