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  1. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    lol, well good luck however you choose to do it TTT. as shawny mentions it, nobody has sympathy for a smoker when you are coughing your ring up. yeah don, most people who i know who have a drink prob have the biggest problems when it comes time to stop, not remembering what you did under the...
  2. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i've never had to quit fags but i'm sure it aint easy. intense exercise has always helped me make changes in my life for the positive, clears your mind and keeps you busy whilst helping you relax. for those who have never tried it, getting a pump is better than any drug or fuck you have ever had.
  3. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    AA meetings, i don't envy you don. my dad used to take me to his as a way to try and get me to understand why he was the way he was. just made me hate him more lol. i'm not one of those people that does well in a negative environment, i don't understand how anybody can be helped by those meetings.
  4. grievous bodily harm

    Good Way to Slow Growth???

    chop the plants in half, don't be afraid you won't hurt them, so long as they have time to recover before flowering it may actually increase yields and make the plants more manageable.
  5. grievous bodily harm

    A question regarding flowering and immature plants.

    there are probably a few things that are different to your last grow, minor or major the plants will still perform differently. so long as they are getting 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness and the temps are being as kept as stable as possible there is not much else you can do but wait and keep...
  6. grievous bodily harm

    A question regarding flowering and immature plants.

    growing from seed will always have a longer transition from veg to flower than a mature clone, 12/12 from seed is viable and most hybrids wil still give an oz+ if grown correctly. when growing from seed you will have no idea how much the plants grows once flowering begins so better to start them...
  7. grievous bodily harm

    Club 600

    some hungry cheese plants
  8. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    tha'ts a bonus surely!? well they take it in the ass at least, trying to find a woman to do that is hard over there, all the spicy food means they don't like an inflamed anus, pussies
  9. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    nothing better than putting your full 100kg mass on a little squirming fishhead and breathing all over her whilst she looks away and makes noises like you are operating on her with a potato peeler. ahh the romance :D
  10. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    /\now that is a traceable family tree/\
  11. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    the master race = all the intellect of a white man with the athleticism of a black man
  12. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    the e.u is germanys army, they weren't allowed one after the war but they found another way to conquer europe and have us all eating at their table
  13. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    buying weed is a joke, got an oz of "kush" for 200 the other day, i get it home to inspect it and it turns out to be a spanish grown critical+ you can get this stuff over there for 100e for 25g, cheapest green i have ever heard of, looks ok but believe me it aint!
  14. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i used to have a gold plated jobby just like this one i think it is still knocking about somewhere, best bucket lighter ever, nobody has the arse to try and nick it, unlike every other lighter i have ever bought. unique lighters are pothead proof, almost.............
  15. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    if that's the case, did you not see the magic flight and think to yourself " man it's a block of wood with a pipe sticking out"? a digital volcano should have been in order tip top, i guarantee you would have used it more then. and fuck the 4 pieces grinders, i want all the resin in my joint...
  16. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    any nice buds ice?, i'll do swapsies, or is that against site rules lol!
  17. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    aint used it for a looong time sae, got a da vinci and a volcano, both work well but when your tolerance is high only a joint will do. at least that is the case for me, not always about the effects, i just like smoking.
  18. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    vac packed to death lol
  19. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!
  20. grievous bodily harm

    Club 600

    fireballs has resin before it has buds lol, you don't see that often, how far in is she?