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  1. grievous bodily harm

    Club 600

    so what was the deal, they give you the lights for free and you do a journal, then they are yours to do what you like with?! not a bad deal if so :P i never caught the end of that grow but i hope all turned out well ( i'm sure it did seeing as you were back in hydro ) post a pic plz
  2. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    nothing better than somebody who has no clue about a said subject trying to dish out advice. be careful children, try the drugs and your legs will fall off, probably..........
  3. grievous bodily harm

    Club 600

    are they the lights jigfresh used last year? looks very similar, like a spaceship in there dez
  4. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hahaha, cunt!
  5. grievous bodily harm

    Isnt Indica easely the best strain?

    if you like to grow from seed then i suggest you try these guys: they ship to the u.s and have great service to go with their choice of unique strains. pay particluar attention to the blue pit, deep blue and most of all the dog kush, they are hybrids and will...
  6. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    sounds like somebody is in denial. the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem!
  7. grievous bodily harm

    Isnt Indica easely the best strain?

    horses for courses. everybody has different tastes and i'm glad that you have found something that works for you, personally i like different strains for different occasions and i am glad i have such a great choice when it comes to picking a strain to grow.
  8. grievous bodily harm

    how do you see my plants?

    looks like some low quality soil, where did you get it? what is the plan with regards to feeding and what light do you have? they look good so far, no problems i can see.
  9. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fuck leds, use them for cuttings and seedlings. not seen a grow yet where the results were better than if they had run a hid light. maybe watt for watt they are good but defo not worth the money yet
  10. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i've got a bad touch on gyno atm, doughnuts and chinese food are the main culprits
  11. grievous bodily harm

    BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.

    i knew a lad who used to have a bb gun which was co2 powered, he used to open the zip and fire a barrage of gas into the tent! got mad yields brah
  12. grievous bodily harm

    BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.

    i agree, need a sealed room with no in or out vents to get the benefit.
  13. grievous bodily harm

    So very dissapointed with my 1st attempt at cannabis oil

    grow more plants, use better quality solvents. either one or preferably both and you will have a lot more end product
  14. grievous bodily harm

    BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.

    looks lovely. i can almost taste it in my lungs lol, the little trickle of oil coating your throat for an hour with dog!
  15. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    anything to escape the bleak reality of life, plus you end up in the ground quicker, its win-win
  16. grievous bodily harm

    BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.

    show him an after shot lol, bet it's like ivy. good luck on the hash making don, don't blow your gaff up now
  17. grievous bodily harm

    Club 600

    /\my kind of youngins :P/\
  18. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    shame you never let her finish fully, still will knock you out i guarantee. i remember being more and more surprised by the dog the longer after i chopped her,defo gonna grow it again one day
  19. grievous bodily harm

    Club 600

    you must be running a sweatshop jig, fancy babysitting my niece for me?
  20. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    maybe i am a bit narcissistic , it's all starting to make sense now :P never tried any of these techno hippy chemicals but in all honesty for every up there must be a down, i hate hangovers i know i'd top myself if i did proper drugs