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  1. ancap

    Why you NEVER talk to the police

    Great videos. Thanks for the link. :)
  2. ancap

    Need advice on my sprouts - BCNL Hydro grow

    Thanks! If you have any interest, I'd love it if you could follow my first grow (grow journal link in my signature). I'm currently 3 days into flowering.
  3. ancap

    topping during flowering

    Please post your follow ups if you've indicated you are trying something. It helps others like me who are reading this later! :)
  4. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Also, these plants are very bushy. Is there any need to trim the bottoms of them yet?
  5. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 2 Flowering I'm already starting to show sex. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow. Size is my biggest problem right now. My biggest plants are almost half way to the lights already. If anyone has any advice on training these to bend, please let me know. I took some cuttings...
  6. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Did you direct me to the correct page? I read on anticipating a turn in the story that would attempt to justify your skepticism of capitalism. Maybe we didn't read the same story. The one I read was truly miraculous and an example of one of the most important advancements in human history.
  7. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Burn! :fire: How many countless wealthy entrepreneurs started out with next to nothing? How many thousands of successful businesses were started on credit cards? I started making money by selling cheap items on ebay in high school. By my senior year I was making more money than my teachers...
  8. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    The gold standard was repealed so your government could steal more money out of your pocket through a hidden taxation called inflation through fiat currency. Doesn't matter why they tell us they did it!
  9. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Giving this a second sober thought (:bigjoint:), I'm actually not sure this is the case with you, so I'm willing to retract this statement. I was getting the feeling in reading through your arguments that you were thinking too much in terms of rich and poor while ignoring the shades of gray. I...
  10. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 32 These pictures were taken about 10 hours ago before I changed the reservior to the flowering nutrient schedule and changed the lights and cycle. I thinking of beginning to train them to bend starting in a week. Here is what I am feeding these girls... Sensi Bloom A: 45ml Sensi Bloom...
  11. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    If you are correct, then my source is bad. Either way, I really don't know enough about the ins and outs of this industry to debate you on specifics. Don't mean for that to be a cop out. Seems like we both agree that the lack of competition in certain industries is a serious problem...
  12. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Again, I don't know much about the nuance of this industry, so I cannot make a super informed argument. I do know that mobile number portability had the effect of increasing costs at the retail level at the time. This was probably the main resistance against MNP. Whatever the motivation, it was...
  13. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Sorry, forgot to answer this question (assuming it was directed towards me). No, I think the government is far superior at starting wars and enslaving the population than the free market.
  14. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I think our idea of abuse may be a little different, or at least the abuse I was referring to had to do with intentionally deceiving a customer about its core service or providing a service that was detrimental to the customer. I think companies will certainly attempt to maximize their profits...
  15. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I think you and I can both agree that when it comes to dealing with corruption, there is only "the best" way to deal with it, not "the perfect" way to deal with it. The best way to deal with this hypothetical water company reducing the quality of its water to the point of causing sickness and...
  16. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I apologize if I mistook your playfulness with a friend for disrespect of other forum members. I wasn't so much defending CrackerJax as I was defending myself who happened to agree with the point he was making. By calling him stupid and senile for his view, you were lumping me and others into...
  17. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    In a free society, no "water company" will continue to exist that produces a product that people do not want. It just will not happen. That's not my opinion, that is economic fact. If you are claiming this is a free market, please tell me what economic mechanism these companies are using to...
  18. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Ok, thanks for the clarification. By asking CrackerJax if he was dumb and/or senile, I didn't realize you were just impersonally critizing his objections. I'm afraid to ask you how old you are londonfog, because I'm afraid the answer will either be revealing or sad. :sad:
  19. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    If I topped them, I'd want to give them some time to recover in veg, but that won't work since I'm going to start flowering tomorrow. I think I'll be able to train them sideways once they start getting close to the glass, right?
  20. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Again, "governments" don't create anything. People create things. Government is just an abstract concept that defines a group of individuals that claim the moral right to exercise violent force against other people within a given territory. Without a government, libraries would exist if there...