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  1. theleach


    Plants love fresh air, but you gotta do what you gotta do. You could probably get away without it but you'd see the difference come harvest time. Fresh air = happy plants
  2. theleach

    Canna Coco Grow medium tips PLEASE

    How long until you should start using nutes? Anybody else using this soil or have any tips for me? Will be much appreciated, my first time using this.
  3. theleach

    any help please 1st time grower , hps 4month and no cola (12.12)

    The plant develops colas when its flowering. It flowers when you change the lighting cycle to 12/12. Once the cycle is changed, it will grow rapidly for a few weeks then start producing just bud (colas). That's all assuming the plant is female. If male, it wont produce colas, just lots and lots...
  4. theleach

    Really juicy bud.

    Att'l do pig
  5. theleach

    Rick Simpson Oil

    Makes me sick every time i see commercials with ''we can work together and find a cure for cancer'', when its right under our noses, and illegal. The sad truth is, we won't ever see a cure unless there's a way for Big Pharm to profit from it, and they can't exactly patent a plant that's...
  6. theleach

    Need help knowing what soil to get. PLEASE HELP ME OUT.....

    thats too much for me man. Im not trying to be cheap and dumb, but i just want some soil to plant that it will grow in and do okay. Im not at the level to be doing everything perfect, ive always worked with the least amount of things needed and done fine. Will the mg alone not work?
  7. theleach

    Guerrilla growers needed for advice

    Yeah thanks, im not too worried about water because the area has plenty of streams that are off the grid. Sunlight not a problem either, im looking for some little ditch between some thick bushes even if its only a few feet squared. Just something you could walk by and not see. Going to put...
  8. theleach

    Guerrilla growers needed for advice

    Im starting a little late this year, need some advice on finding the right spot. Ive been out scouting to some reasonably remote spots but never anywhere that feels right. Any advice? Would like some input on whether i should go with pots, or directly in the ground(what imleaning towards) All...
  9. theleach

    Need help knowing what soil to get. PLEASE HELP ME OUT.....

    Is it a bad idea to put the seeds in this soil directly after germination? Will it burn them? And as for my Scotts potting mix, can i still use it?
  10. theleach

    Need help knowing what soil to get. PLEASE HELP ME OUT.....

    Im on a tight schedule and need to get soil within the next day or two.... Ive always been able to get soil directly from a friend so this is my first time buying new soil. Im looking for something to grow outdoors with, i have my own nutes. I have a bag of Scotts Potting Mix, i know its...
  11. theleach

    Prepping for 2013 outdoor guerilla grow !

    Yeah, thats what im worried about. How do people manage to bring large quantities of water.
  12. theleach

    Mini plant how long

    Why in hell would you WANT to waste your time growing that. Even if you could harvest it every week, it would be a waste.
  13. theleach

    so whos guerilla growing this year??

    Cant put outdoors until around may or june here. Should i be out finding a spot and such now? Ive been feeling like i should
  14. theleach

    I have 4.5 grams of kief, how do I cook it? Oil? Butter? Any help!!

    By the way, thats just how i do it. There's definitly better ways, but it works fine for me
  15. theleach

    I have 4.5 grams of kief, how do I cook it? Oil? Butter? Any help!!

    Just dump it in a pot and put around half a cup of cooking oil in. Enough to easily soak all the product. Then jus let it simmer. The main idea is to not cook it too high, thats they only time you can really fuck up i think. Let it simmer on very low for a couple hours, then just use the...
  16. theleach

    Buying Silver

    missy elliot............
  17. theleach

    First grow/stealth - need the experts

    ...i dont know where to start
  18. theleach

    DEA already saying they will not respect the Colorado and Washington Vote

    And they talk shit about Hells angels, crips bloods etc. The DEA is the biggest most ruthless gang there is. And we're paying for them to fuck us over.