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  1. burner89

    auto flower!

    Yes it would, but cutting the whole plant is quite stressfull too lol. We are just talking about harvesting what's ready and leaving the lower half to ripen up a bit more. I seeded 3 branches on an auto last summer and left them an extra week to make sure the seeds were done. They were falling...
  2. burner89

    Weird growth....any ideas

    Anymore ideas or thoughts on what would cause that type of damage?
  3. burner89

    Outdoor Auto's on the East Coast

    Hey Jren, i am far from an expert but it looks fine to me. They spend a couple weeks growing roots first. Keep posting pics of them. I am happy with rqs so far. I have a couple of their photo plants goin, special kush and special queen.
  4. burner89

    First Grow, Using Bagseed Outdoors

    Brown spots could be from water with fertilizer splashing on the leaves.
  5. burner89

    Outdoor Auto's on the East Coast

    We had a great week, warm to days and warm nites. The girls took advantage and doubled in size I'd say. Here's a pic of the the three oldest, day 37 and startin to form flowers.
  6. burner89

    Heat stress.....

    Looks like some damage from splashing water on the leaves at a hot time of day. But doesnt look bad, they will get use to it. How long have they been out?
  7. burner89

    auto flower!

    U could always cut the top half and leave the rest for a while longer. I've read quite often where a lot of autos don't get amber trichs. Which strain is the one thats almost ready?
  8. burner89

    My auto amnesia xxl from dinafem just about done

    Those look great, how many days from seed are they? I've got a couple Blue Amnesia xxl and couple kush n cheese from dinafem, They are outside all look healthy.
  9. burner89

    Weird growth....any ideas

    Yes I smoke tobacco, yes I had them inside and yes I think saw other non canna plants with it i think. The other plants were not as obvious and didn't have the raised volcano mound look going on. If you zoom in you can really see the volcano's pushing up from the underside of the leaf. As far...
  10. burner89

    Outdoor Auto's on the East Coast

    Thanks Trippy, not sure what training techniques you are referring to but since you mentioned it I thought I would try it on my last two transplants. I put them in the pots on their side and used a couple of garden staples to keep them down. So today was the dreaded auto transplant day and yes...
  11. burner89

    Weird growth....any ideas

    I don't use any foliage sprays. As for the bud, it's hard to say. The plants that had it didn't get a chance to finish. I havn't been able to track neem oil down here in Canada. Which surprises me because its mentioned so often. Is there another name for it?
  12. burner89

    Should I plant them yet???

    Ah right, cool, wish I lived there... Canada is beautiful! Best I luck! Will keep this grow up to date so take a look of interested! Yup i will be watchin. What breeder are the autos from? I have a thread going in this forum for my outdoor autos.
  13. burner89

    Weird growth....any ideas

    This was a problem last year and I never figured what the problem was. Hoping if I see it this year I will know what I am dealing with. I am an outdoor grower and this happened to plants that were in very different conditions. Some in pots, some in the ground, different strains , different soil...
  14. burner89

    Diggers Slopestyle 2015

    Hey BC lookin good. I bought a couple of mesh nets for going over your head at the dollar store. they mite be a little cooler than a hoody.
  15. burner89

    Outdoor Auto's on the East Coast

    Just a quick update. The High Density finally showed a couple of pistils yesterday, which was day 31. I will be putting the last two in their final pots in the next couple of days.
  16. burner89

    Auto Seeds?

    So you pollinated a plant right? I am gonna say about 4wks. If you want to be sure wait till you see a couple of calyx's splitting. I seeded a couple of branches last year and had to dry the buds over a container because a few were following out lol. The female was an auto and the male was a...
  17. burner89

    Should I plant them yet???

    So what are the seeds in right now? If the answer is paper towel, shot glass or something similar then you need to plant those asap. The longer that tail gets the higher the chances are that you will damage it when planting. Don't over think things, they are seeds which in nature sprout directly...
  18. burner89

    White widow autoflowering advice

    What breeder are they from? I've grown a few WWA from Pyramid. My grows have all been outside though.
  19. burner89

    Best Outdoor Nutrients & Other Questions

    Keep us updated. I fed my plants the all purpose at 1/3 strength with some good ole SeaMagic mixed in yesterday. Are you gonna mix them together for flower? I'll be the guinea pig if you want lol. I will try it on some autos in a couple more weeks.