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  1. J

    Rockwool to Rockwool ( the dangers )

    sorry to bother you guys and last time today i promise but would it kill my plants if i put my plant that is in the small plug rockwool cubes into the big rockwool even though there is no roots showing through the small one. thanks in advance guys!!!!
  2. J

    Newbie with a Problem( i think ) 3 Weeks and Hardly Any Roots Showing through My Smal

    sorry to bother you guys and last time today i promise but would it kill my plants if i put my plant that is in the small plug rockwool cubes into the big rockwool even though there is no roots showing through the small one. thanks in advance guys!!!!
  3. J

    Newbie with a Problem( i think ) 3 Weeks and Hardly Any Roots Showing through My Smal

    thanks mate, what soil do you rcommend ? and would i have to buy new nutes as the ones i have are for hydro.
  4. J

    Newbie with a Problem( i think ) 3 Weeks and Hardly Any Roots Showing through My Smal

    i have been watering the cubes daily. i may have fucked up because i started giving them nutes as soon as the first leaves came through and was doing it everyday but read yesterday that i should be every other day.
  5. J

    Newbie with a Problem( i think ) 3 Weeks and Hardly Any Roots Showing through My Smal

    thanks to to everybody who replied and i'll upload some photos 2morrow. but i think i got more problems than that as know the bottom of the plants look like they are dying but when i upload the photos hopefully some of you guys can help me. Thanks again peeps! and speak soon
  6. J

    Newbie with a Problem( i think ) 3 Weeks and Hardly Any Roots Showing through My Smal

    hello everyone (anyone)!!!!!! i have started growing 2 ganja dwarf lowriders and have been growing them in the small rockwool cubes for just over 3 weeks and i have read that you have to wait for loads of roots to be showing before you can translpant them bigger rockwwol cubes but mine hardly...