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  1. J

    Smoking questions!!!!!!!!

    haha, cheers pal
  2. J

    Smoking questions!!!!!!!!

    i was hoping some of you guys would be able to answer these questions for me. 1. if my plant starts to look like it is going mouldy or things are happening to the leaves but the plants have a coiuple of buds on them would it be o.k. to cut the plant down, let it dry and smoke it (would i get...
  3. J

    For the experts !!! this cant be normal

    out of curiousity what would you guys in the know recommend as a good strain to start with if i had never grown anything thing before ?
  4. J

    For the experts to answer

    haha! believe it or not im using a 600w hps light. its been flowering for ages not exactly sure but i do know that i fucked up and was still giving it grow nutes when it had started flowering. thats probably one of the many factors that messed it up.
  5. J

    for the experts to answer!!!!

    theres no denying that she's fucked but she's a real fighter as in reality she should have died a long fucking time ago with her sisters.
  6. J

    For the experts to answer

    yeah ill try but im having to use a shitty 5 megapixel camera on my phone
  7. J

    For the experts !!! this cant be normal

    yeah! your bang on the money with that one, i did by the autos because i thought it would be the easiest and quickest. they said you could leave the lights on 18/6 for the plants whole life and that was one of the reasons i got it as i thought i would be able to just keep putting plants in there...
  8. J

    For the experts to answer

    This thread is dead
  9. J

    for the experts to answer!!!!

    will do bro. what can i say, been a stoner for a long time so the dumb shit comes out sometimes lol
  10. J

    for the experts to answer!!!!

    the lights have been on 18/6 all the way through! thats the way its grown. i think it had only 2 real big leaves but they started looking funny and i read you should remove them from the plant as soon as, so i did.
  11. J

    for the experts to answer!!!!

    cheers pal. should i go back to giving it veg nutes or carry on with the bloom ( ionic ) or should i just scrap it and start again
  12. J

    for the experts to answer!!!!

    sorry dude. its because i posted my question yesterday and they said they needed pics so i was not sure how to go about putting them up. meaning, i was not sure if the same people would see it or if any of you guys would no what the fuck i was talking about. as you can see though bro im not just...
  13. J

    For the experts !!! this cant be normal

    I've had it on 18/6 the whole time . the light leaks sound like it may be the one. im growing in a tent in my room under a 600w hps. temp high at about 80 -85 and i have either very high humidity or no humidity at all as the meter which reads it is blank. using ionic nutes. made so many fuck ups...
  14. J

    For the experts to answer

    i have a small plant (lowryder) and its in flowering but rather than produce buds, it looks like it is growing big branches instead with little buds on them. Is this normal (which i dont think it is) and is there anyway i can reverse that shit or is it too late. or is it a hermie
  15. J

    For the experts !!! this cant be normal

    Dont know if any of you guys was on here yesterday but this is what i was talking about. my plant is in flowering and is supposed to be ready in about a week but it is growing stems and branches instead of bud. can this be saved or is it totally fucked. its a lowryder ganja dwarf and its qabout...
  16. J

    for the experts to answer!!!!

    Cheers mate! i was getting a little scared as i fucked up with the nutes half way through but u guys have made me a little happier
  17. J

    for the experts to answer!!!!

    thanks guys. the only pictures i got are on my phone and you cant really see shit.
  18. J

    for the experts to answer!!!!

    i have a small plant (lowryder) and its in flowering but rather than produce buds, it looks like it is growing big branches instead with little buds on them. Is this normal (which i dont think it is) and is there anyway i can reverse that shit or is it too late. or is it a hermie
  19. J

    Autopots / aquavalve - is it worth buying?

    has anybody on here used the autopots with the aquavalve for growing and are they any good ? thabks in advance