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  1. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yo! who wants to sell me some drugs...................
  2. J

    What If It Starts to Die?

    lol its the only way i could get a reply. think people may be getting pissed of with my dumb ass questions but i been a stoner since birth!!!!!! it looks cool now but my luck has a habit of changing for the worst. cheers anyway pal...
  3. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    whats good brotha!!!
  4. J

    What If It Starts to Die?

    my things have just started to flower ( little buds ) but if they was to suddenly look like they wont make it would to the end due to my incompitence, would i be able to smoke what little bud there is. meaning = could i just let the thing dry out and smoke it ? would it get me high ?
  5. J

    Last Question of the Day I Promise. Any Experts?

    my things have just started to flower ( little buds ) but if they was to suddenly look like they wont make it would to the end due to my incompitence, would i be able to smoke what little bud there is. meaning = could i just let the thing dry out and smoke it ? would it get me high ?
  6. J

    Is it Possible? Any Experts?

    thanks MsBBB ,you got my back !!!and dont worry nickibaby im new to so ive just learned something new 2. by the way, are you a girl nickibaby cos if you ant im just gonna call you nick....
  7. J

    Is it Possible? Any Experts?

    tip top toke your probably right because when i say i really fucked up, im mean i really fucked up. nute burn, overheating, letting them get to cold. u name it. i started out with 5 and these 2 made it through, 2 my suprise also. i was even more suprised when i started seeing buds coming but now...
  8. J

    Is it Possible? Any Experts?

    nah ive been growing it for like 6 weeks but as i just said didnt have a clue when i began this and its only through killing mutiple fucking plants that im actually cottoning on. its lowryder ganga dwarf and they say expect 10 to 15g but im lucky if im gonna get an 8th. i got them because they...
  9. J

    Is it Possible? Any Experts?

    i have a hydro system (NFT aint used it yet) but because this is my first grow and i serously fucked up .i was growing for the first 4 weeks in the tiny(and i mean tiny rockwool cube )in the tiny rockwool cube holder. i read that you can only transfer it to the larger rockwool cubes once the...
  10. J

    Is it Possible? Any Experts?

    if you guys wanna know i can start from the begining because i have been doing it for the last 2 weeks and i wanna know if my shit is gonna die becuase they are in flowering....
  11. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    whats going on people. shit, im from that dirty south east and the prices these motherfuckers charging me is crazy. i remember when an 8th was an 8th and that was for £20 £25. now these little pricks selling 8ths for £20 but only giving you 2.0 shit even 1.9. one of you local dudes need to hook...
  12. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hook me up with your dealer brotha!!!!
  13. J

    Is it Possible? Any Experts?

    Is it possible to grow a mj plant in just a plant pot, clays pebbles and a reugular watering everyday ( with nutes ofcourse ) ?
  14. J

    Help From You Guys Who Know

    cool lads, much help. do they sell that in the uk and can that be sprayed on to the buds ???
  15. J

    Help From You Guys Who Know

    they dont look that bad but mind you, my plants are frigging tiny. i bought the lowrider ganja dwarf and seriously fucked them up along the way with heat, nutes, you name it!( started with 5 )so ill probably only get about and 8th off each plant but i think i know what im doing now and i put...
  16. J

    Help From You Guys Who Know

    i i have been gorwing my plants and they dont look a long way off from being done (2 weeks maybe) but i have realised that i have them spider mite motherfuckers. i dont get paid til a weeks time so i was wondering how much damage will they do in that time, the damage they actually do do and if...
  17. J

    Advice from You Guys that Know

    Thanks mate. im new to all of this so im probably gonna be on here a lot as if there was a crime for killing young mj plants i would be looking at a good 10 life sentances lol. but i guess the more problems i encounter the more i learn so no doubt speak soon pal thanks again jbs1
  18. J

    Advice from You Guys that Know

    how much do they cost do you know and once i get the inline fan would that make a massive difference or just bring it down slightly? and thanks for replying mate
  19. J

    Advice from You Guys that Know

    Yeah i know what your saying about people seeing but it dont look as suspect as it sounds ( i think ), with it all open i can get the temp down to about the 82 mark.( high i know ) but my concern is that the light thats escaping from the tent because i keep reading that all light should be...
  20. J

    Advice from You Guys that Know

    because i have not got my inline fan yet( i do have a extraction 1 with carbon filter)but becuase im running a 600watt hps light it gets stupid hot in there so i have to leave my tent completly open with my bedroom windows wide open. will this severly mash up my grow. hope some of you experts...