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  1. Mhogs

    watering help

    Hmmm. Nope, has nothing to do with size of pot or light being used. It has everything to do with how much water your plant is using.
  2. Mhogs

    Dutch Passion- Think Different.

    Sorry for the double. This was supposed to in there
  3. Mhogs

    Dutch Passion- Think Different.

    They are growing like crazy right now. Hopefully this southern sunshine and weather helps.
  4. Mhogs

    Dutch Passion- Think Different.

    11 days from sprout. Moving along nicely.
  5. Mhogs

    watering help

    Role of thumb. Pick up your container dry. When it feels like this (light) water it. When you pick it up and it feels heavy like water is still present, dont water...
  6. Mhogs

    Dutch Passion- Think Different.

    20gal pots, Soil: Roots Organic 7hrs full outdoor sun, 10hrs 200watt cfl. Will do this schedule for 3 weeks(2more) and then leave outdoors to finish. Started 05/01.
  7. Mhogs

    How should I create my soil mix?

    My only advice is start small. You can always add.
  8. Mhogs

    Blueberry kush

    Circular argument.
  9. Mhogs

    2,500 plants!

    2500 plants on 1acre??? Ya ok.
  10. Mhogs

    Quite confused and need help T_T

    You need to gradually work you light cycle down to mimic what's going on outside to reduce shock. Shock alone can push balls on a female...
  11. Mhogs

    Yield from autoflower in south Europe (Greece)

    Like yourself, I've read over plenty of journals that have stated the same (25-60gr per plant). Expecting 200gr from an auto is pretty unrealistic but not impossible. The strains I've seen the most push over the 50-60gr mark would be magnum autos and think different. Do you know what strain they...
  12. Mhogs

    Cannabis seeds?

    What they said. Read.. and then read some more....
  13. Mhogs

    Growing dr grinspoon

    Month + easy
  14. Mhogs

    Whats your harvesting process?

    Chop, trim, hang, jar, smoke :joint:
  15. Mhogs

    How to deal with nosey neighbors?

    Dude, roll a fatty and go blaze her out. And when your shit is done a cured, put together a little "thank you for being fuckin cool" package and you'll never have to worry about it again. Had a neighbor like this and always thought they got down but it never came up until we got 20in of snow...
  16. Mhogs

    How long do you veg before planting outdoors?

    What he said.... :eyesmoke:
  17. Mhogs

    Why is my plant taking so long to flower?! Pics inside

    Damn. This a specific strain bread to be better suited for indoors? Some strains are just too picky and sensitive for outdoors.
  18. Mhogs

    Why is my plant taking so long to flower?! Pics inside

    So after reading over your main post again. The temp is the source of your problem. If she was in the ground, the roots might not get nearly as cold and fast. But shes in a pot and open to the air. Below freezing temps at night and temps barely pushing 65 during the day. Look at it this way...
  19. Mhogs

    Why is my plant taking so long to flower?! Pics inside

    How long has this plant been the mother? Some strains are better suited for indoor growing and vice v.
  20. Mhogs

    How long do you veg before planting outdoors?

    Same page. Lol And wont lie. Jealous, wish I could spend a year or two there. 365 days a year of blue skies sounds awesome!