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  1. Mhogs


    I don't buy fertilizer... I dont add bs to my medium so there's no need to flush any bs out. ;) hence 'organic'
  2. Mhogs


    Indeed, its hard to illustrate something you find mind boggling. :wall:
  3. Mhogs


    The soil is alive! Below our feet and invisible to the naked eye, tiny microbes the great digesters of the earth, constantly break down organic material into a more usable forms that plant roots can identify, absorb, and ultimately incorporate for new growth. This material includes complex...
  4. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    But if these articles are pushed aside which most people do because of basic assimilation vs accommodation in psychology. Then learning stops and we continue to do what the past has always done. Indeed some great great growers were mentioned in the above text. But just like science, its ever...
  5. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    Sorry about the the lack of yield I posted on your plants. With lbs at stake, even a better reason to take more measures. Sleeping in a tent out by them for the next 2 weeks is your call my friend. It basically boils down to the safety of you and your dog. When the sun comes up the next day, id...
  6. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    I hope the articles i posted are actually read. Here is another great read with less scientific jargon to to fiddle through.
  7. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    2 great reads that might help expand your knowledge and understanding whats taking place below the surface. Not arguing with you, just trying to shed light on the topic.
  8. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    Not this matters but I have bsn in science with a major in nursing and a minor in Chemistry. In balanced soil, plants grow in an active and steady environment. The mineral content of the soil and its structure are important for their well-being, but Without the activities of soil organisms...
  9. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    Soiless and hydro is a different playing field because they lack the work of microbes that soil provides. The plant showing nute burn isn't the plant using more than it should, its the roots getting shocked and their function slowly gets put to a hault. Its then the lack of nutes being uptaked...
  10. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    Also. Someone who knows what this beautiful plant looks like doesnt need to see the whole thing to know what it is. Just one big ass cola swaying in the wind and the wheels are turning. Drugs alone, not to mention "free drugs" at that make people do stupid things. And I hate to stereotype, so...
  11. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    They look great! Great job! And you are correct, they could use a 12-14 days. If you plan on leaving them, I'd be going to the extreme to make sure your ladies dont get ripped. I'd stake ankle high trip wire in a few spots that you'd think someone would enter your yard from. Hang bells from the...
  12. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    What you need to be asking yourself right now is, whats more important, gaining a few extra grams and amber trichs, or waking up to your plant gone because its been spotted. This time of the year, Marijuana plants are like recon missions, first rule to recon- once your cover has been blown, the...
  13. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    Salt build up will cause nutrient lock out. That is why its recommended to flush with water every now and then during flower. Is your plant showing signs on nutrient lock out( any kind of deficiencies) if not and you plan on chopping then no worries..(if a road crew has spotted your ladies, you...
  14. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    Its cool, you don't have to explain anything else to me. I remember my first beer....
  15. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    When I get good at what? Determining my plants state by microwaving some and smoking whatevers left that the microwave hasn't vaped out?? Lol You lose potency nuking your buds idiot.. Say what you want, your intellect spoke for itself.
  16. Mhogs

    Seasons Over! Chopped And Hanging

    MastodonK. Is hitting the jars. Here are a few pics... little shy of what i was shooting for. O well. Already getting pumped about next year. Well, and the winter dwc science project! Ready for winter!! ;)
  17. Mhogs

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    ya, you have some pheno showing... PURPS.... Enjoy!
  18. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    How can you honestly pass horrible advice like this? If I were a Mod on this website I'd flag your comments for passing bad info. "Well known member"?? Because microwaving bud will give you a good idea/comparison on what properly dried and cured bud will smoke and taste like right?
  19. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    Yes. Microwave your bud, because that wont pull thc along with water out of it.. ? :wall: Again, it's Organic Chemistry, not just something I'm pulling out of the air or opinion I'm making up.
  20. Mhogs

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    Wasn't trying to sound like a dick. Great grow by the way!! I forgot to add that!! :lol::clap:bongsmilie