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  1. Mhogs

    Branch Die Off

    Damn. Close by? Would suck if that thing is tunneling through your rootball??!!??
  2. Mhogs

    Branch Die Off

    Until you find a definitive answer, I'd start feeding with azaMax. Best advice I've got for ya..
  3. Mhogs

    Update, MastodonK, TrainW, JackH, Greenhouse Grow

    Update: jackh up front is dropping leaves like crazy. After doing a little reading, seems like this is a problem for this strain. Even the added N & cal/mag to the feeding isn't doing a whole lot to help. Leaves are just turning yellow and falling off. If there was some necrosis going on, I'd...
  4. Mhogs

    Branch Die Off

    Branches look fine to me.. are you seeing any bugs at all near your stock. Black jumpers? If you don't have some kind of break/snap/damage anywhere on the branch that's dying, I'm going to say it's something munching on your roots......
  5. Mhogs

    Branch Die Off

    Something could be munching on the roots. .
  6. Mhogs

    Are My Plants Safe Against Deer???

    YES, deer love to munch on plants!
  7. Mhogs

    Help please x

    Lol. . My last comment had a bit of sarcasm in it. Of course generic instructions won't apply to every plant....
  8. Mhogs

    Help please x

    Because every strain reacts the same to nutrients right?
  9. Mhogs

    17 weeks of flower and getting nanners.

    Sorry about that.
  10. Mhogs

    17 weeks of flower and getting nanners.

    Thanks for the thoughtful response. The thread was started purely to obtain knowledge on why female plants throw nanners and what to do and look for and the etiology behind it. I thought you had told me me 17 weeks. Thanks for being mature about it.
  11. Mhogs

    17 weeks of flower and getting nanners.

    He's following the fox farm schedule. Using tiger bloom and all that. He said feeding every other 2 days.... We aren't actually on speaking terms anymore. He gets mad when I try to help him out. I'm more curious on what's going on with the plant then helping him out anymore...
  12. Mhogs

    17 weeks of flower and getting nanners.

    Well I was told it's going for another 4 weeks... 21 total weeks of flower.... Kid doesn't know how to take constructive criticism.
  13. Mhogs

    17 weeks of flower and getting nanners.

    I told him something is wrong. And I almost feel like he might have missed a nanner that opened. And now the production of the plant has turned to seeds. I mean, what else would keep trichs clear 18 weeks into flower? I was reading about "monoecious" plants and that was one of the explanations...
  14. Mhogs

    17 weeks of flower and getting nanners.

    Besides the male flowers, will it also start to seed? He wants to let it go another month. I mean shit. 19-20+ weeks of flower. I haven't put eyes on it in over 2 months. With pistols still white and trichs still 100% clear, could it be shifting to producing seeds and not buds? Pics aren't the...
  15. Mhogs

    17 weeks of flower and getting nanners.

    Hard to believe with the amount of seasoned growers here and nobody has any thoughts on this?
  16. Mhogs

    17 weeks of flower and getting nanners.

    Got a buddy who has a sour diesel going into its 17th week of flower under 1000watt cfl. Plant is starting to push nanners.... trichs still 100% clear and pistols are still white... Any thoughts?
  17. Mhogs

    Help please x

    Whatever you are doing is just fine. If there isn't a problem, then there isn't a need to change anything. Your plant isn't showing any sign of yellowing or lack of anything for that matter. Bonemeal is a good source of Phosphorus, which will help your plant in the flowering stage that you're...
  18. Mhogs

    How cold is too cold?

    What strain are growing? Strain plays a major role when your asking a question like this.
  19. Mhogs

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    I hate to say this, but unfortunately once you've been ripped. Someone will always know where to find some near the end of the season. Time to relocate or grow indoors. Lights, cameras, and motion detectors only go so far. Hope Karma slaps those fools for ya!
  20. Mhogs

    Michigan outdoor question

    Strains good in Michigan. Being a Michigan native, I've had buddies do well with strains that do well in the Holland/ Amsterdam climate. Not big for advertising and name dropping but hope that helps. Looks for strains that traditionally were created for/ from that environment.