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  1. Bshbloke

    Male THC pictures

    ya gorlla lookn mite tastey me thinks
  2. Bshbloke

    Tangy Skunk

    cheers bro yeah i love it every time i enter the room:-P, the girls are getting bigger but gt problems with ma out doorsy girls they yellowing and have spider mite, tha spider mite will be sorted this thursday but im not sure what the yellowing is from as i've watered all my plants with the...
  3. Bshbloke

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    dis grow gona be a beaut got a pretty mean setup 2 bro
  4. Bshbloke


    bro you gt your stuff susd man they some sick buds you got there bro
  5. Bshbloke

    New clones drooping

    they jst need to be retied bro how many you got growing bro?
  6. Bshbloke

    Tangy Skunk

    well retied ma girls hard out this time gt about 39ish bud sites on the antlers and a gud hand full on the gangley 1 lol this is week 2!
  7. Bshbloke

    Untrimmed bush! What do I do?

    dats a sic avatar bro lol um get those lights closer bro ul be starving hur expcaly if your gonna change to 12/12 shes a pretty cool shrub tho lol
  8. Bshbloke

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    true lol i always used 6500k how much of a diff does it have?
  9. Bshbloke

    Supercropping and Canopy Control

    well i must say i notice a huge diffrence training and tyeing ma girls you get a good even quality and they jst so kool ta look at like lil antlers hehehehehe
  10. Bshbloke

    Blue Mistic or Bluecheese????

    ether 1 looks reali mean bro go with what your stoner sence guides you to lol
  11. Bshbloke

    Newbie here

    yeah thats normal bro sum strains jst tak awhile then they take off like lighting!
  12. Bshbloke

    1st Scrog 2x Purple kush CFL grow

    yeah bro id flush those girls and get them another week under ya veg cycle then do ya magic bro watch that nute burn brotha gud luck!!!!
  13. Bshbloke

    Supercropping and Canopy Control

    cant wait ta c more pics bro
  14. Bshbloke

    Tangy Skunk

    the room STANKS from the girlsit a reali sweet stank lol
  15. Bshbloke

    150 watt hps scrog-blue mystic, papaya, and northern lights!

    good shit man they looking mint,your grows gona be a goodie ta watch,what nutes you gona use?
  16. Bshbloke

    Supercropping and Canopy Control

    dats sum mean looking AK there shwagbag
  17. Bshbloke

    Tangy Skunk

    heas ma girls finaly gt them in gud condition i gt 2 indoors with my cfls they been on there 12/12 cycle for a week so far, the outdoor girlys gt 3 more months till they due so should b intresting grow i think,the bulbs im using are 4-6 45w cool daylight ive gt 4 23ws and a 70w hps ill be...
  18. Bshbloke

    1st Scrog 2x Purple kush CFL grow

    how long are you veging 4 bro?
  19. Bshbloke

    Cabinet 1.7sq 70w hps grow

    cant wait ta c sup pics bro gud luck