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  1. Bshbloke

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    wots up with ur photos bro? da guy up the top
  2. Bshbloke

    jhod58vw Hydro soil indoor grow 600 watts hps/mh (pics, vids)

    bro they sum sick buds
  3. Bshbloke

    Newbie here

    chill bro have a spot sum times bro some strains take quite awhile to sex ma mother plants took ruffly 12-15 days it changes with each strain,patients is da key as i had to learn
  4. Bshbloke

    Bshbloke skunk new lighting confiurement chur

    well ma girls hav gotten bigger and 2 have gone outside ma 3 that are left in side are being trained ma main girl has been trained to be antlers lol looks pretty sick i must say heres da pics the first 3 are of the second to last 2 before they were put outside, the last 4 pics are my out doors...
  5. Bshbloke

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    pretty sick bro pretty sick lol
  6. Bshbloke

    Bshbloke skunk new lighting confiurement chur

    wel i got sum clones finaly growing and thort id change things up,ive got a room being bulit atm for my final grow i hope lol chur theyve taking quite sume time to fully root so thank god at last theyve taking off,idealy i wonted to do a outdoors grow but nabours are quite nosey,all and any...
  7. Bshbloke

    Journal of a grow. New to growing. CFL. Indoor, closet grow. 1st grow ever. :D

    mean bro keep dat shit up lol ur girls looking beatiful
  8. Bshbloke

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    nah jst been taking a break bro,yeah i hope they turn out mean!
  9. Bshbloke

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    thatl make ya girls huge bro,my girls got a 70w hps on them wel they will i got it already for when they go to there new room lol 7 45wcfls and 1 70w hps i think itl work alrite, Wajimaya what do you do with all your cab? do you boil it down with sum butter to make cookies? i been off weed for...
  10. Bshbloke

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    bro your girls are coming along mean!!!!!!howd da cookies go? i made sum fudge cake with ma oil da other day i was so fuked up after like 30mins and 4 peices it was awsme,keep on keeping on ma brutha peace
  11. Bshbloke

    awsme bro yeah i gt 7 45w cfls they ment to be equvilnt to 220ws each to be honest i havnt fully...

    awsme bro yeah i gt 7 45w cfls they ment to be equvilnt to 220ws each to be honest i havnt fully grown right to the end of a indoors grow yet so im still learning in that aspect,have a geez at ma grow bro...
  12. Bshbloke

    blueberry in flower

    bro save those seeds and use em at least u no how ur strain will turn out nxt time round,shes looking awsme if u ask me
  13. Bshbloke

    How to get the most out of cfls? Pro advise wanted!lol

    Hey People now i've got a awsome question for the PRO cfl growers out there........ whats the most you've ever gotten from cfls start to finish? and also how many lights did you use? I only want to know because i gt a 4 high by 4 long by 4 wide room and id love to know how many plants vs how...
  14. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    im not to sure as my scales died on me but i reakin half an ounce maby alil more but ive been smoking her hard out and shes been good a real head high and mega munchies
  15. Bshbloke

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    howd she smoke bro?
  16. Bshbloke

    Blueberry Autoflower.

    looking sweet bro how long they been dwn 4?
  17. Bshbloke

    first grow

    they doing really well for your first grow bro im along for the ride,what sort of lights u using?
  18. Bshbloke

    older pc case grow

    nice bro not bad for the size of ur girls
  19. Bshbloke

    Should i chop?

    cheers guys cam out all good in the end choped early any way a little bit silly but gotta stay high lol oh and i was right about the sex of the 1 on the smaller tericotta pot ended up getting turned in2 oil only due 2 it showing balls so quikly had heaps of cab to go with it all gona do all...