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  1. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    cheers manyeah ive been talking 2 heaps of ppl and it seams like its a normal thing,5 days since ma last photos and it seems like they gtting bigger lol im happy they doing alrite for week 6 ruffly, da clone is grown and da seedling has doubled in size:blsmoke:
  2. Bshbloke

    Guys need help asap both my plants in flowering

    how many bulbs u using bro? and how many watts are they? how big r ur plants ruffly? im always looking to improve and gt bigger BUDS:D,ur buds looking tasty mite i add!!!
  3. Bshbloke

    Hello, from new zealand

    sup bros me frm da south in nz hows ur grows?
  4. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    heres ma girls da lil clone and da other clones onda window sill and da big girls are myne da reali green seedling inda bak ground of ma main lights is ma missz as well as da clones under da 3 bulbs are hurs as well im using dat nitrosol for ma fert it seems to bee working and im also using dat...
  5. Bshbloke

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    man i wish i gt buds dat big,i had ta chop 1 plant of mine early ..........ran out of smoke lol gt jst under half a oz mi other plant is doing ok tho,1 day il sus how to gt buds like u guys peace out!
  6. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    yeah ur right about that bro,alil scared atm tho ma plant with the bigga bud looks like she may be a hermie :cry: so gtta wait nd see ova da nxt few days to weatha or nt shes gona gt da CHOP!:weed: shes gt sum nice lil buds on hur tho 4 a 10inch plant with da streching shes gne thru lol jst pt 1...
  7. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    feeling guilty as :( lol took a cliping again it had afew crystals covering the leaves i jst pt it in2 the drying jar sum where warm lol ma usal fula i gt sum off is all out of da gud shit 4 da nxt few weeks so im gna be hanging hard lol
  8. Bshbloke

    or jst type in naki in2 the search thingy and itl com up wid ma old 1 wen i cudnt post any pics...

    or jst type in naki in2 the search thingy and itl com up wid ma old 1 wen i cudnt post any pics and itl have ma new 1 lol with fuk loads of pics
  9. Bshbloke

    yeah bro...

    yeah bro i gona post sum more photos on wensday nxt wek then therl be a bit more growth on ma lil girls lol
  10. Bshbloke

    Second grow 8 x 26w CFL

    yeah man i agree wid rabbit ur gna gt sum mean buds,i changed my lights 4 times b4 i was happy,but shes looking reali gud man ur doing well, wot sort of nutes u using?
  11. Bshbloke

    Second grow 8 x 26w CFL

    well dats gud bro she'l be loven da light maby sus sum side lighting would defintly help,ive alawys traind and tied my plants 2 gt more out of them,hope u post sum more pics soon bro
  12. Bshbloke

    A closet grow worth checkin' out! 400w 3rd wk flower.

    hay bro may i ask what strain this is it looks exactly like myne bt mines 2 weeks bhind urs btw thy look scrumchus lol mind my spelling
  13. Bshbloke

    wtf are these

    make him in2 oil dats all hes gud 4 lol
  14. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    cheers bro,had afew hickups bt they bak in bud again YAY bud growth lol i think i gt about 3-4 weeks left ma man with the sour deasil clones jst gt busted so dat suks bt at least its nt me!!!!!! ill have sum more pics up nxt wek then hopfuly therly b sum more progress but 1 things fosure thy...
  15. Bshbloke

    Second grow 8 x 26w CFL

    they shud gt alot bigger bro like id be expecting a gud 6 inch bud at da top,my personal oppinion id place the lights closer maby not an inch bt defintly closer,im only on ma second cfl grow atm bt on my last week im gona be using 2 70w hps to gether wid ma cfls bt i gt da hps's frm ma bro dats...
  16. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    heas da new piks ADVISE WOULD BE AWSME AT THIS POINT!!!!!!! how long do u guys reaking they have for budding? my last indoor grow i neva gt 2 see to the end due 2 moving and my out doors i had was jst extremly cristaly leaves so im in unknown territory lol PLEASE HELP
  17. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    had a sligth fuk up went away 4 work and 4gt 2 pt ma timer bak in so thy gt lft on 4 32hrs i left them off 4 abt 36 afterwards bt thy stped budding i think,nt sure wats haping i hope thy come right !!!!!! :(
  18. Bshbloke

    2 quick questions!! Please reply!!

    oh and u cn gt 45w cfls frm mitre 10 mega 4 $12 i gt 7 of em on ma 2 plants atm
  19. Bshbloke

    2 quick questions!! Please reply!!

    at last more kiwis,nice lil grow bro coming alone well i used ta be from da naki nw i down in cantabury lol have a look at ma grow i gt atm i trid ta pt it on agers ago bt faild ta gt piks up
  20. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    um wel this is week 2 of bud cycle,going reali well going to start them on blood and bone,hahahaha gt real skimp had 2 taste test lol bt still all gud gt 7 45w red bulbs and fan going nw they reali loven it,pt 4 clones down bt sofar looks like 1 aynt going so well hopefuly it pulls thru,i gt sum...