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  1. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    last pics fully dry abit leafy but they gt crystals and dats how i like it lol
  2. Bshbloke

    Bshbloke skunk clones!!!!!!

    lol it depends on ur setup ive been using dis setup and afew others 4 quite awhile now its also setup up this way so i dnt loose light as im nt growing plants bigger than 10inchs, the clones were taken while the mother plants were in prebud about 2 weeks in so yeah and the 3 small 1s were taken...
  3. Bshbloke

    Bshbloke skunk clones!!!!!!

    well i jst pt these clones :leaf:under ma main lights they looking pretty good so far,only runing 4 45watt cfls and also got a co2 unit 2 1.5l coke bottles um not much else ta think of reali,ma girl i jst chopped YUMMMMMMMMM very mind/high feeling and a little bit body stone so over all id...
  4. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    well im fukn glad i choped ma girl lol didnt relise dat she had been sprinkeld with abit of pollen frm ma male dat i had in there didnt realise dat da balls on him had already popd or that a male of his size cud do that!
  5. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    well i murded my girl but im nt to worried i cud have left hur alot longer but gotta keep up da suply lol nt much round dis time of year i gt jst ova an once 29g but il loose alot of that in with da water weight and with my second trim heres sum photos it dnt look lyk much but itl gt me and da...
  6. Bshbloke

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    VERY NICE (borat voice) lol hope my girl turns out that sexy,i used strawberry essence on ma last 1 and it turnd out quite tasty only used acouple drops tho peace out
  7. Bshbloke

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    no prob,lol funny enough im gona chop again in about a week,gtta do a flush only coz shes nt doing as well as id like bt i gt sum clones ta follow with.pretty wasted nw actualy from sum oil lol,have a good one ma brothers catch yas later
  8. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    afew more photos day 45 she smells so yum its hard to hold back lol every day i walk in the front door i gt hit by the smell lol oh and gt my 70w hps in there nw i gt alot warmer so when it coms on ma missz opens da door to vent btw im wasted and the buds feel tighter bt starting to gt...
  9. Bshbloke

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    all i can say bro is yum!!!!!!! u shud gt sum close ups 4 us,hope i gt dat much may be looking at cho;pping mi girl soon,any photos of ur next 1s coming along?
  10. Bshbloke

    Show ya rooms off

    sick setup bro
  11. Bshbloke

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    they coming along mean bro,they sort of look like sum white widow ak cross i had agers ago
  12. Bshbloke

    first cfl harvest

    keep on keeping it up bro ul gt there ur buds r looking super tasty!!!!! how many lights u gt, i gt 7 45w cfls and a 70w hps
  13. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    da lil plant or seedling turnded out male :( but dat algud hes gone out side and gona become oil!!!!!!
  14. Bshbloke

    Should i chop?

    nah I dnt gt a magnfying glass or anything lol cheers tho 4 da advise lol
  15. Bshbloke

    Should i chop?

    the lil 1 in the trircotta pot is a male and da clone down bottm is bak in the vegging closet
  16. Bshbloke

    Should i chop?

    im wondering if i shud chop ma girl i gt plenty of clones comning along and shes reali slowed on da budding side of things
  17. Bshbloke

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    yeah man if u need it 4 ya health brudda u shud gt sum neva hold bak on gods gift to us lol,ur girls r very sexy bro
  18. Bshbloke

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    dats a hole point of growing rabidnz lol so i have ma own,nd tinnys nt sold al ova nz nt in da south any way bt mean 1s up north lol,Wajimaya yeah ur right man yeah i gt heaps of clones and i have seen 1 small banana bt i pick hur so hopefuly she dnt com bak!!!!!!! bt it will defintly b worth it...
  19. Bshbloke

    The Church, Mazari Super Space Hydro Grow

    they looking mean bro may trie and dabble in sum aero sumtime soon what size cfls do u use bro? i mean Wattage lol?
  20. Bshbloke

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    nice bro yeah my grow space isnt much bigger,ur buds looking awsme!what sort of light setup u using? hope my buds com out as nice as yours!!!!